<html><body><p>Thank you for the input, Akihiro and Kato.<br><br>I'm not strict in local communication method and IRC ID.<br>If you have clearly documented them in your team wiki, that's fine.<br><br>As to the glossary, I still think git repository is better than <br>wiki to store glossaries. Git repo has strict control, while wiki <br>has no controls at all. Wiki is used for frequently update purpose.<br>After it turns to mature, Git repo is good to store. <br>And, using pot/po file can make all translation teams to easily follow the<br>same glossary list.<br><br>I understand Japanese glossaries are out of date and your team don't<br>like the current one in Zanata. If that's your team decision, I'm OK<br>to delete it from Zanata.<br><br>Thoughts?<br><br>Best regards<br>Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)<br><br><br><tt>"Kato, Tomoyuki" <kato.tomoyuki@jp.fujitsu.com> wrote on 2016/02/27 17:08:46:<br><br>> From: "Kato, Tomoyuki" <kato.tomoyuki@jp.fujitsu.com></tt><br><tt>> To: "'Akihiro Motoki'" <amotoki@gmail.com>, Ying Chun Guo/China/IBM@IBMCN</tt><br><tt>> Cc: Openstack-i18n <openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org></tt><br><tt>> Date: 2016/02/27 17:40</tt><br><tt>> Subject: RE: [Openstack-i18n] To language team coordinators: get <br>> ready for Mitaka translation</tt><br><tt>> <br>> > Thanks Daisy for initiating this.<br>> > <br>> > 2016-02-25 17:53 GMT+09:00 Ying Chun Guo <guoyingc@cn.ibm.com>:<br>> > > Dear coordinators,<br>> > ><br>> > > Mitaka translation will be started at the beginning of March, and<br>> > > probably ended in the week of March 28.<br>> > > We need to get ourselves ready for Mitaka translation from now on.<br>> > ><br>> > > Because of the join of IBM professional translators, we will be able<br>> > > to cover more projects in our translation plan of this release.<br>> > > Generally, the jobs of existing community translators will not be<br>> > > affected, focus on Horizon, same as before.<br>> > > IBM translators will focus on "other" projects.<br>> > ><br>> > > Before Mitaka translation starts, there are several things you can do:<br>> > ><br>> > > 1. Update glossary.<br>> > ><br>> > > If you don't have glossary translations in i18n repo[1], or you want<br>> > > to update glossary translations, you can send a patch with your<br>> > > translations or your updates to i18n repo directly.<br>> > <br>> > I would like to raise a question how the glossary work? Is it actually<br>> > working?<br>> > <br>> > As one of coordinators of Japanese team, the glossary list itself is<br>> > out-of-date.<br>> > In addition to update per-language glossary, can we update a list <br>> of glossary<br>> > itself?<br>> > <br>> > Beyond this, the current format of PO file for the glossary lacks an<br>> > essential feature as I described before. There is no way to describe the<br>> > context.<br>> > I wonder how the glossary help translations without the contextual<br>> > information.<br>> > As a result, Japanese team is forced to describe contextual information<br>> > in translated strings.<br>> > This is the reason we preferred to Wiki style glossary.<br>> > <br>> > From the above observation, does it sound a good option to clear the whole<br>> > entry of Zanata glossary of a specific language?<br>> <br>> +1 to clear, as long as Japanese, as of now.<br>> <br>> > > 2. Document your local team communication method in the team wiki page[2].<br>> > ><br>> > > While Mitaka translation starts, it's good to open your local<br>> > > communication channel to all of your language translators. Good<br>> > > communication is quite important for people from different places to<br>> > > work well together.<br>> > <br>> > I missed the previous team meeting (it is not special to me due to<br>> the meeting<br>> > time).<br>> > I would like to make some follow-up comments on a local communication.<br>> > <br>> > I personally would like to continue to use Gitter (hosted by Github) as<br>> > a communication channel in Japanese team. From my past experience, it has<br>> > various good merits.<br>> > I felt the first point is really useful in the crunch time of Liberty<br>> > translation reviews.<br>> > <br>> > * Pros:<br>> > * it has a notification mechanism. Unread messages will be notified via<br>> > email.<br>> > * It can be used via browser (without any extra application)<br>> > * Unlimited archive as long as gitter room is open to everyone<br>> > * Cons<br>> > * it is not provided by OpenStack infra<br>> > <br>> > Kato-san and Japanese team members, feel free to comment it.<br>> > Your feedbacks would be really appreciated.<br>> <br>> I agree to using Gitter in Japanese team.<br>> <br>> In my understand, using IRC channel for local team is not mandatory,<br>> just an option.<br>> <br>> <br>> > > 3. Join IRC channel[3] #openstack-i18n with your zanata ID<br>> > ><br>> > > As a coordinator, you have the responsibility to coordinate your<br>> > > language translations.<br>> > > A good practise is to show up in IRC and have your people to get you<br>> > > easily when they have troubles.<br>> > <br>> > "with Zanata ID"? It is just an option. It is not a requirement.<br>> > It is not a surprising thing someone uses an IRC nickname different from<br>> > Zanata ID.<br>> <br>> I'm using different IDs :)<br>> And, I'm not always join IRC because of my business reason and equipments.<br>> To coordinate my local language team, I'd like to use Gitter and <br>> local mailing list.<br>> <br>> <br>> Regards,<br>> KATO Tomoyuki<br>> <br>> > Note that it is important we need to know each other who you are but it<br>> > is not a requirement to use Zanata ID as IRC nickname if you already use<br>> > a different IRC nick.<br>> > <br>> > > If you have any questions, talk to me.<br>> > > My IRC ID is "Daisy" in the channel of #openstack-i18n.<br>> > <br>> > I can help you too. My nick is 'amotoki'.<br>> > I am usually online from 0200UTC to 1600UTC.<br>> > <br>> > # It will be easier to find me compared to finding Daisy on IRC :) # Just<br>> > joking.. never mind Daisy!<br>> > <br>> > Akihiro<br>> > <br>> > > Thank you.<br>> > ><br>> > > Best regards<br>> > > Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)<br>> > ><br>> > > [1] <a href="http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/i18n/locale">http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/i18n/locale</a><br>> > > [2] <a href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team">https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team</a><br>> > > [3] <a href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC">https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC</a><br>> <br></tt><BR>