<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><div class="" style=""><span class="" style="">We are starting to hit some questions that I do not have ready answers to. </span></div><div style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 13px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; font-style: normal;" class=""></div><ul><li>where to store the data: Tom and I were initially thinking stackforge before incubation. move under the openstack repo org after incubation as training-guides. fungi and jeblair are questioning a stackforge project publishing to docs.openstack.org rather than just openstack-manuals. I do not have a great answer other than I believe Anne is good with that for now. If the docs PTL and team is okay with this, do I need to ask the TC as
well?</li><li>where to house the project: I would like it to stay under the documentation program. Any other ideas?</li></ul><div></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 13px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;" class=""><span class="" style=""><br></span></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 13px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;" class="">Find here the all the incubation plan Q&A using the latest TC requirements</div><div style="background-color: transparent;" class=""><a href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Training-guides#Incubation_Plan" class="" style="">https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Training-guides#Incubation_Plan</a><br class="" style=""></div><div> </div><div class="" style=""></div><div
class="" style=""> </div><div class="" style=""><div class="" style=""><b class="" style=""><br class="" style=""></b></div><div class="" style="font-family:arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;"><b class="" style="">Sean Roberts</b></div><div class="" style="">Infrastructure Strategy, Yahoo</div><div class="" style=""><span class="" style=""><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="mailto:seanrob@yahoo-inc.com" class="" style="">seanrob@yahoo-inc.com</a></span></div><div class="" style="">(925) 980-4729</div></div> <div class="qtdSeparateBR"><br><br></div><div class="yahoo_quoted" style="display: block;"> <div style="font-family: HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;" class=""> <div style="font-family: HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;" class=""> <div dir="ltr" class="" style=""> <font size="2" face="Arial" class=""
style=""> On Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:14 PM, Tom Fifield <tom@openstack.org> wrote:<br class="" style=""> </font> </div> <br class="" style=""><br class="" style=""> <div class="" style="">On 30/05/14 01:40, Anne Gentle wrote:<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:56 PM, Tom Fifield <<a shape="rect" ymailto="mailto:tom@openstack.org" href="mailto:tom@openstack.org" class="" style="">tom@openstack.org</a><br clear="none" class="" style="">> <mailto:<a shape="rect" ymailto="mailto:tom@openstack.org" href="mailto:tom@openstack.org" class="" style="">tom@openstack.org</a>>> wrote:<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> Hi,<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> Sean Roberts, Stefano and I
just had a very fruitful discussion<br clear="none" class="" style="">> regarding the training manuals project.<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> Thanks you all for discussing.<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> We think that it's time to allow the the training guides to become a<br clear="none" class="" style="">> free-standing project of its own accord, and start attracting<br clear="none" class="" style="">> significantly more people around it.<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> This will make it easier for contributors who just want to work on<br clear="none" class="" style="">> training to find the project, see
lists of bugs and tasks relevant<br clear="none" class="" style="">> to them*, and also provide a clearer pathway toward becoming<br clear="none" class="" style="">> contributors, and eventually core reviewers.<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> It will also enable the training guides project to have its own<br clear="none" class="" style="">> policies, and allow the repository to be used for investigation of<br clear="none" class="" style="">> training infrastructure, such as the recent forays into moodle for<br clear="none" class="" style="">> example.<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> However, with every change such as this, there are drawbacks, and so<br clear="none" class="" style="">> we feel it's important to discuss these as well -
and most<br clear="none" class="" style="">> importantly get your input.<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> For example, while we can continue to re-use tools and content, this<br clear="none" class="" style="">> would mean a different review queue and repository - which could<br clear="none" class="" style="">> frustrate if you are working across both projects.<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> I hope the intention is to continue to use inclusion of known tested<br clear="none" class="" style="">> content from the various other OpenStack repos as needed.<br clear="none" class="" style=""><br clear="none" class="" style="">Yup, that's the case.<br clear="none" class="" style=""><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">>
What are your thoughts?<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> Sounds great to me. Thanks all!<br clear="none" class="" style="">> Anne<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> Regards,<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> Tom<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> * as opposed to the 400 odd in the openstack-manuals tracker!<br clear="none" class="" style="">><br clear="none" class="" style="">> _________________________________________________<br clear="none" class="" style="">>
Openstack-docs mailing list<br clear="none" class="" style="">> <a shape="rect" ymailto="mailto:Openstack-docs@lists.__openstack.org" href="mailto:Openstack-docs@lists.__openstack.org" class="" style="">Openstack-docs@lists.__openstack.org</a><br clear="none" class="" style="">> <mailto:<a shape="rect" ymailto="mailto:Openstack-docs@lists.openstack.org" href="mailto:Openstack-docs@lists.openstack.org" class="" style="">Openstack-docs@lists.openstack.org</a>><div class="" id="yqtfd08591" style=""><br clear="none" class="" style="">> <a shape="rect" href="http://lists.openstack.org/__cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/__openstack-docs" target="_blank" class="" style="">http://lists.openstack.org/__cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/__openstack-docs</a><br clear="none" class="" style="">> <<a shape="rect" href="http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-docs" target="_blank"
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