[OpenStack-docs] [openstack-docs] [launchpad] Filing bugs with troubleshooting issues

Alexandra Settle a.settle at outlook.com
Wed Jan 18 19:19:13 UTC 2017

That’s really great idea/plan, thank you Anne!

If everyone is a-okay with this solution – I can definitely implement this tomorrow ☺

From: Anne Gentle <annegentle at justwriteclick.com>
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 6:32 PM
To: Alexandra Settle <a.settle at outlook.com>
Cc: OpenStack Manuals <openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>, Andreas Jaeger <aj at suse.com>
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-docs] [openstack-docs] [launchpad] Filing bugs with troubleshooting issues

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Alexandra Settle <a.settle at outlook.com<mailto:a.settle at outlook.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Over the last week I’ve had a lot of time to go through and triage some of our ever-growing bug list.

I know this is not a new issue, but we do have a considerably large number of bugs filed with troubleshooting issues and questions. Here is an example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/1657464

I have been doing my best to reply with either a solution to the problem, or a recommendation pointing the user to ask.openstack.org<http://ask.openstack.org>, IRC channels, or the mailing list.

Thanks for doing that!

I have proposed a small solution here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421973/ that will hopefully point some future bug reporters in the right direction, but it is not overly visible.

So, adding to the contributor guide is a good idea, but let's also get it into the workflow and context of when the bug itself is logged.

I am just thinking out loud – but when you go to report a bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+filebug is there a way we could include a checklist of sorts? Including a few quick questions like “Does your bug relate to OpenStack manuals content” and then further offering appropriate places to ask questions like ask.openstack.org<http://ask.openstack.org>.

Yep, we can add a template to the javascript that launches when the person clicks the bug icon, which is what happened in that bug 1657464.

Here's the code in the theme that you can change:


While you only get ASCII text, I can imagine you could make a pretend checklist and also give guidance like so:


Before you submit a doc bug, be sure to check these troubleshooting resources if you have a question. This form creates a doc bug, and you will get support quicker through these channels:
* Q&A site: http://ask.openstack.org
* Mailing Lists: http://lists.openstack.org (Ask questions on the OpenStack mailing list or OpenStack-operators mailing list. Do not ask support questions on the OpenStack-dev mailing list.
* IRC: IRC channels are another way to ask questions, specifically the #openstack channel on Freenode. A list of all OpenStack IRC channels is here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC

If you do need to report a doc bug, feel free to use the following as a template and remove or add fields as you see fit. You can convert `[ ]` into `[x]` to check boxes.

- [ ] I believe this doc is inaccurate in this way: ______
- [ ] This is a doc addition request.
- [ ] I have a fix to the document that I can paste below including example input and output.

Feel free to write these up differently, but I think the point-of-entry is where we want this.


This problem does not just affect OpenStack manuals, and there was a rumour in the mill that we were going to change from Launchpad anyway.

What does everyone think? Have we attempted this in the past? Is there a way we could actually help reporters before they file a bug that may never get solved?



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