[OpenStack-docs] [I18n] Sharing Documentation translation stats during Ocata cycle

Ian Y. Choi ianyrchoi at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 16:24:12 UTC 2017


When I went to last Barcelona Summit, I told that I would share updates 
from I18n to Docs mailing list monthly.
But, in reality, my daily and usual stuffs prevented me from writing a 
good  and nice article as Lana does so well.
Furthermore, time is really going too fast (Half of Ocata cycle is 
already passed!).

Now I would like to share Documentation translation statistics from 
for last couple of months in Ocata cycle to Docs and I18n team.

Note that my sharing might not be perfect. I have not quantitatively 
measured how many words
are in OpenStack documents and also how translation qualities are 
improved by review activities,
but I welcome your feedback from my first sharing. I would like to keep 
sharing such updates with Docs team :)

== Documentation translation plan during Ocata cycle ==

- By the last December 2016, I18n team set higher priority for the 
following document translation:
  : (stable-newton) openstack-manuals: install-guide
  : (stable-newton) openstack-manuals: common
  : (stable-newton) openstack-manuals: networking-guide
  : (master) openstack-manuals: user-guide
  : (master) training-guides: upstream-training

== Statistics data for documentation translations ==

- By now, there were total 158,414 translated words in openstack-manuals 
for Ocata cycle.
   Many translators from different countries have participated in such 
   I really appreciate such kind translation contribution!

- Also, there were 23,552 translated words in training-guides 
   and 1,159 words for api-site (api-quick-start) for OpenStack documents.

- For more information on statistics, please see translation metrics
   in Stackalytics (URL: 

== Completed documentation translation ==

The following documents have significant progress during Ocata cycle.
I have checked the percentage of translations by documents on late 
November 2016
and just today from Zanata, OpenStack translation platform: 
https://translate.openstack.org/ .

- openstack-manuals in stable/newton
  : common
    => 100% translated for Indonesian, Korean, and Russian!

  : install-guide
    => Now French, Indonesian, and Korean documents are fully translated.
    => Also, there have been lots of translations contributed from 
German translators.

- openstack-manuals in master
  : Japanese translators have constantly contributed their translations.
    Now the following documents are fully translated into Japanese
    => ha-guide, image-guide, and user-guide

  : Also, Indonesian user-guide is 100% translated.

- training-guides
  : Indonesian upstream-training is now fully translated.

  : Nice progress for German (45.04% -> 74.33%)

More detail translation progress with published pages is available at
: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/i18n-translation-status-documentation .

== Published translated documents and Language landing pages ==

It is important for language landing pages to have up-to-date links for
published translated documents. During Ocata cycle,

- French landing page now includes Mitaka install-guide
   (Note: It was fully translated before Ocata cycle, but translation 
    by French translators have been accomplished during Ocata cycle).
- Korean landing page now includes Newton install-guide.

For language landing pages, the following modifications will be 
accomplished soon hopefully.
Note that it will depend on specific translation and review plan from 
different languages.

   : Indonesian landing page will include more published translated 
   : Japanese landing page will include ha-guide, which is now 100% 
   : French landing page will be refined with a new theme (the one now 
docs.openstack.org uses).

That's what I wanted to share with Docs and I18n team for documentation 
translation statistics.

Now Ocata Dashboard translation including Horizon is getting more 
important for I18n team,
since StringFreeze periods are relatively short in Ocata cycle.

However, that does not mean that documentation translation for I18n team 
has been finished
in Ocata cycle. Although translators would be busy for translation 
activities, I would like to encourage
to also spend time on translation reviews to make translated documents 
with higher qualities.

With many thanks,


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