[OpenStack-docs] Install Tutorial Landing Page Design Elements

Lana Brindley openstack at lanabrindley.com
Fri Nov 4 02:15:15 UTC 2016

Hi Heidi,

As you may already know, docs redesigned how we create and publish the Install Guides in Newton.  Now, each big tent project can use our 'cookie-cutter' to create and maintain their own Install Guide, and we publish them up to our new Install Guide landing page, here: http://docs.openstack.org/project-install-guide/newton/ For the long version of that story, you can see this SuperUser article: http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/turning-openstack-install-guide-head/ or the first lightning talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TYyjrXX-Ec

Sadly, the landing page we have now is pretty ugly and hard to use, and we've got a goal to fix this in Ocata. The reason I'm emailing is because I wanted to find out from you  if the design elements we're currently using on the docs page (things like the little cartoon characters, etc) are still the right way to be doing things. Are there new design elements we should be thinking about, maybe in conjunction with the mascots? Also, do you have a designer on Foundation payroll that we can work with to do something truly awesome?

I've cc'd Piet, as he's interested in helping us improve the ux and making sure we get that aspect corrrect, but any access to design resources you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Lana Brindley
Technical Writer
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia

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