[OpenStack-docs] Results from installation of OpenStack on Debian

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Sun Mar 15 10:51:08 UTC 2015

Thomas, Anne is on vacation. The Debian discussion was a topic of
several emails here and Anne asked Alexander and you for a plan. No
reaction came from that and and now you answer nearly a month afterwards.

Since no reaction came for over a week, we moved forward as announced.

Let's discuss this once Anne is back - and please reread and answer her
emails. IMHO she is asking for some kind of commitment and that includes
constructive and friendly reaction in a timely way,

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
  SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
   GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Jennifer Guild, Dilip Upmanyu,
       Graham Norton, HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)
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