[OpenStack-docs] Diagram color scheme

Karin Levenstein karin.levenstein at RACKSPACE.COM
Mon Nov 17 21:33:35 UTC 2014

2 looks good to me – bolder text, thinner lines.

From: Matt Kassawara <mkassawara at gmail.com<mailto:mkassawara at gmail.com>>
Date: Saturday, 15 November 2014 at 12:03
To: Robb Romans <robb.romans at RACKSPACE.COM<mailto:robb.romans at RACKSPACE.COM>>, "openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-docs] Diagram color scheme

Thanks for all the comments. I think we mostly narrowed down the color scheme variations, but the font and line thicknesses need more discussion. So, I eliminated the dark-on-dark variation from the "simple" diagram [1] and went crazy on font and line thicknesses with the remaining options. I know some of you liked the object storage nodes, but a few of the colors fell outside of the theme and I'm trying to make this work within it to ease future documentation and templates. I also included numbers on each object for easier reference. So... pick a number and add if/where/when you prefer thicker fonts and/or lines.



On Fri Nov 14 2014 at 1:16:25 PM Robb Romans <robb.romans at rackspace.com<mailto:robb.romans at rackspace.com>> wrote:

Really great work putting this together and moving things toward consistency. These diagrams look awesome. For the first set, I like Network node best (and I also like the Object Storage node that I was supposed to ignore :). For the second set, I prefer the Compute node (Network node 2nd). Cheers.

Robb Romans
Sr. Information Developer - RPC
Desk: 512-874-1730
Mobile: 512-626-2937
robb.romans at rackspace.com<mailto:robb.romans at rackspace.com>


From: Matt Kassawara <mkassawara at gmail.com<mailto:mkassawara at gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 7:28 PM

To: "openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: [OpenStack-docs] Diagram color scheme

Needless to say, our existing diagram color schemes vary by document and sometimes look rather hideous. For example, I used the red-green-blue theme in the installation guide to improve contrast among the networks, but it lacks the civility you would find in other professional documentation. Similar to networking, colors are hard. For example, themes that implement many shades of one or two colors look professional but limit the ability to contrast important items. On the other hand, themes that implement many diverse colors offer many ways to contrast important items, but look harsh. I haven't found a theme that provides a decent balance until Robb Romans (a coworker at Rackspace) pointed out the Solarized theme [1] today. Although somewhat optimized for text, this theme provides several decent dark/light combinations for diagrams requiring less contrast and a series of diverse yet soft colors for diagrams requiring more contrast. After messing around a bit, I came up with a few potential color variants using this theme. Please review the dark/light example for simple diagrams [2] and the diverse color example for complex/contrasty diagrams [3] and provide comments. For the first diagram, indicate which of the controller node, network node, compute node, and block storage node objects look the best (ignore the object storage nodes). For the second diagram, indicate which of the nodes (dark/light) and network colors look best. You can also reject this theme completely. However, if you do, please provide one or more suitable alternatives. I would like to upload a series of revitalized diagrams to the installation guide as soon as possible.


[1] http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
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