[Openstack-docs] Training Guides becoming a project in its own right?

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Thu May 29 13:30:31 UTC 2014

On 05/29/2014 04:56 AM, Tom Fifield wrote:
> Hi,
> Sean Roberts, Stefano and I just had a very fruitful discussion
> regarding the training manuals project.
> We think that it's time to allow the the training guides to become a
> free-standing project of its own accord, and start attracting
> significantly more people around it.
> This will make it easier for contributors who just want to work on
> training to find the project, see lists of bugs and tasks relevant to
> them*, and also provide a clearer pathway toward becoming contributors,
> and eventually core reviewers.
> It will also enable the training guides project to have its own
> policies, and allow the repository to be used for investigation of
> training infrastructure, such as the recent forays into moodle for example.
> However, with every change such as this, there are drawbacks, and so we
> feel it's important to discuss these as well - and most importantly get
> your input.
> For example, while we can continue to re-use tools and content, this
> would mean a different review queue and repository - which could
> frustrate if you are working across both projects.
> What are your thoughts?

I hope this will revive the training guide, it really needs a dedicated
team that works on it to improve the quality and accuracy.

I propose that the training guides team - even in its own project -
works together with the documentation team to share tools and styles.
There shouldn't be two different sets of conventions for writing...

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
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