[Openstack-docs] one question ,and some errors you got

1 jidawanghao at 163.com
Thu May 22 07:06:28 UTC 2014

one question
Perhaps, I didn't understand why shall we change the IP address of both 
eth0 and eth1, with this action , the compute1 node may not have the acceptable to keep conncetion with the external networking , and most important of all, it may be influence the apt-get install action or apt-get update or ap-get upgrade action. Need anyone's reply. One fans coming from China, Peony city.

some errors I found, but I'm angry about your website's action to delete my comment written in Chinese.


第9页,OpenStack packages,3. 更新备用数据库,并安装key,发现无法找到key,解决方案

gpg –keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu –recv-key 具体的key值(如64AA94D00B849883)

gpg –a –export具体的key值(如64AA94D00B849883) | apt-key add -


第29页,For example:

#glance image-create –name=”CirrOS 0.3.1” –disk-format=qcow2 \--container-format=bare –is-public=true < cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.img

在运行的过程中有可能提示HTTP 500错误,原因在于在第27页2. Respond to prompts for database management中,错误的理解了You must also select the caching type.其实这句话并非You must select the caching type.所以你如果选择了caching而非图片中所给出的keystone,就会报出上述错误,在调试的过程过程中可以尝试将/etc/glance/api.conf和/etc/glance/registry.conf中的debug = true即可,日志记录文件会显示在/var/log/glance/api.log和/var/log/glance/registry.log。
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