[Openstack-docs] Publishing associate training guide

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Sun Dec 29 07:16:08 UTC 2013

On 12/29/2013 07:20 AM, Sean Roberts wrote:
> Sure. The plan is to improve the havana associate guide with online quiz
> questions. Moodle is the likely choice. I'll propose the infra team to
> manage the VMs once I have a implementation plan together. It's not
> mandatory that they do this but it would cleaner. I have a few guys like
> Ed horley and Keith burns that have offered to create the first batch of
> questions. I'll start the patch tomorrow. I'll next be asking collier to
> add the associate training guide to the Openstack training site. This
> should get us more bug feedback. 
> The operations and developer guides will restart development in earnest
> in Jan. I'd like to have them both ready for use around march. 

Sean, just the associate guide? How can I access that today?

Why do you need to do this suddenly from the Havana branch?

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
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