[Openstack-docs] Introduction

Jonathan Proulx jon at jonproulx.com
Thu Aug 2 15:10:56 UTC 2012

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Anne Gentle <anne at openstack.org> wrote:
> Welcome Jon! I think it's great that you have new sysadmins work on
> the documentation right away.

If we could keep them working on documentation that would be even
better :)  I'm definitely guilty of that too, big new things I'm good
at all the little changes that pile up and invalidate old
documentation, well I could be better.

> What do you think you'll use OpenStack for at the CS and AI lab at
> MIT?

at this point offering it pretty raw as IaaS for whatever researchers
want to do with it, mostly large computations.  As our internal
deployment stabilizes we'll be focusing on building some applications
people can launch on the cloud like Hadoop and Matlab clusters then
migrating the VMs on our existing homebrew xen virtualization over
which are mostly various web servers and services along with some
other infrastructural services likely in a seperate availibilty zone
form the compute stuff with less compute power but more hardware

>A few Design Summits ago we were in Boston, were you at that one?
> Will you attend in San Diego? It's always good to meet in person too.

Thanks for mentioning that I had the San Diego dates messed up with
the Beijing dates, which would have been too soon.  I'll need to check
my schedule but I probably will make it to San Diego.


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