## loadbalancer works fine but operating status is OFFLINE on lb, listener and pool [root@controller ~]# openstack floating ip list +--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | ID | Floating IP Address | Fixed IP Address | Port | Floating Network | Project | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | a69cad88-6891-4792-bbe2-f172f708426b | | | b7a4a6b4-cd2f-42f7-9c77-9df829aa1a23 | 4f2269fc-7aa1-4cff-bda5-168d4b818b2b | e0c639c048224313a8eb730a25b19b4e | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ [root@controller ~]# curl Welcome to nginx!

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[root@controller ~]# openstack server list +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+----------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor | +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+----------+ | 06dce24a-c463-4ab5-904c-11195bef63f9 | amphora-68763f18-d4cc-44eb-b291-5ac72f4b8b31 | ACTIVE | internal=; lb-mgmt-net= | amphora-x64-haproxy | amphora | +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+----------+ [root@controller ~]# openstack loadbalancer show lb1 +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | admin_state_up | True | | availability_zone | None | | created_at | 2021-03-20T06:32:31 | | description | | | flavor_id | None | | id | ec536550-af1f-43ea-a3e9-4ceebf40668c | | listeners | 43430044-4c38-41f1-8ad8-40244c5ff140 | | name | lb1 | | operating_status | OFFLINE | | pools | 4ea6dbfa-51a1-40b1-8baf-b191c65e9226 | | project_id | e0c639c048224313a8eb730a25b19b4e | | provider | amphora | | provisioning_status | ACTIVE | | updated_at | 2021-03-20T06:37:11 | | vip_address | | | vip_network_id | 56580059-50b1-4c5f-ae78-846d2cfa5ad5 | | vip_port_id | b7a4a6b4-cd2f-42f7-9c77-9df829aa1a23 | | vip_qos_policy_id | None | | vip_subnet_id | 259f00dd-fb22-4afa-ad59-f6608420b5bc | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ [root@controller ~]# openstack loadbalancer listener show 43430044-4c38-41f1-8ad8-40244c5ff140 +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | admin_state_up | True | | connection_limit | -1 | | created_at | 2021-03-20T06:35:01 | | default_pool_id | 4ea6dbfa-51a1-40b1-8baf-b191c65e9226 | | default_tls_container_ref | None | | description | | | id | 43430044-4c38-41f1-8ad8-40244c5ff140 | | insert_headers | None | | l7policies | | | loadbalancers | ec536550-af1f-43ea-a3e9-4ceebf40668c | | name | listener1 | | operating_status | OFFLINE | | project_id | e0c639c048224313a8eb730a25b19b4e | | protocol | HTTP | | protocol_port | 80 | | provisioning_status | ACTIVE | | sni_container_refs | [] | | timeout_client_data | 50000 | | timeout_member_connect | 5000 | | timeout_member_data | 50000 | | timeout_tcp_inspect | 0 | | updated_at | 2021-03-20T06:37:11 | | client_ca_tls_container_ref | None | | client_authentication | NONE | | client_crl_container_ref | None | | allowed_cidrs | None | | tls_ciphers | None | | tls_versions | None | | alpn_protocols | None | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ [root@controller ~]# openstack loadbalancer pool show pool1 +----------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +----------------------+--------------------------------------+ | admin_state_up | True | | created_at | 2021-03-20T06:35:45 | | description | | | healthmonitor_id | 71353ce9-07e5-40ca-9c23-5484b522cc48 | | id | 4ea6dbfa-51a1-40b1-8baf-b191c65e9226 | | lb_algorithm | ROUND_ROBIN | | listeners | 43430044-4c38-41f1-8ad8-40244c5ff140 | | loadbalancers | ec536550-af1f-43ea-a3e9-4ceebf40668c | | members | f0f3a958-8c72-43c3-9cbe-b2a2a31e7d28 | | | b7b3273f-2566-485f-b5ec-985dc614d371 | | name | pool1 | | operating_status | OFFLINE | | project_id | e0c639c048224313a8eb730a25b19b4e | | protocol | HTTP | | provisioning_status | ACTIVE | | session_persistence | None | | updated_at | 2021-03-20T06:37:11 | | tls_container_ref | None | | ca_tls_container_ref | None | | crl_container_ref | None | | tls_enabled | False | | tls_ciphers | None | | tls_versions | None | +----------------------+--------------------------------------+ [root@controller ~]# openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor show 71353ce9-07e5-40ca-9c23-5484b522cc48 +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | project_id | e0c639c048224313a8eb730a25b19b4e | | name | | | admin_state_up | True | | pools | 4ea6dbfa-51a1-40b1-8baf-b191c65e9226 | | created_at | 2021-03-20T06:36:03 | | provisioning_status | ACTIVE | | updated_at | 2021-03-20T06:36:04 | | delay | 5 | | expected_codes | 200 | | max_retries | 3 | | http_method | GET | | timeout | 5 | | max_retries_down | 3 | | url_path | / | | type | HTTP | | id | 71353ce9-07e5-40ca-9c23-5484b522cc48 | | operating_status | ONLINE | | http_version | None | | domain_name | None | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+