<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 12.0px;"><div>Hello,</div>
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<div>I am currently working on a customized media center/box product for my employer. It's basically a Raspberry Pi 3b+ running Raspian, configured to auto-update periodically via `apt`. The device accesses binaries for proprietary applications via a private, secured `apt` repo, using a pre-installed certificate on the device.</div>
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<div>Right now, the certificate on the device is set to never expire, but going forward, we'd like to configure the certificate to expire every 4 months. We also plan to deploy a unique certificate per device we ship, so the certs can be revoked if the tamper mechanism is triggered (i.e. if the customer rips open the box, it blows a fuse that is attached to a ADC chip, and the device reports in s/w that the sensor has been tripped). Finally, we anticipate some customers leaving the device offline, and only updating once every year (allowing for time for the cert to expire).</div>
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<div>Is there a way I could use Barbican to:</div>
<div>* Update the certs for apt-repo access on the device periodically.</div>
<div>* Setup key-encryption-keys (KEK) on the device, if we need the device to be able to download sensitive data, such as an in-memory cached copy of customer info.</div>
<div>* Provide a mechanism for a new key to be deployed on the device if the currently-used key has expired (i.e. the user hasn't connected the device to the internet for more than 4 months).</div>
<div>* Allow keys to be tracked, revoked, and de-commissioned.</div>
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<div>Thank you for your time and assistance.</div></div></body></html>