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<div>Dear all,</div>
<div>In the context of the addition of online resizing of libvirt network volumes (RBD), we have added a new parameter in the extend_volume function.</div>
<div>Although we have adapted all the drivers in nova codebase to support this new parameter, out of tree drivers could be affected by this change.</div>
<div>This is the interface with the new parameter "requested_size"</div>
<div> def extend_volume(self, connection_info, instance, requested_size):</div>
<div> """Extend the disk attached to the instance.</div>
<div> :param dict connection_info:</div>
<div> The connection for the extended volume.</div>
<div> :param nova.objects.instance.Instance instance:</div>
<div> The instance whose volume gets extended.</div>
<div> :param int requested_size</div>
<div> The requested new size of the volume in bytes</div>
<div> :return: None</div>
<div> """</div>
<div>Here is the link with the change: <a href="https://review.openstack.org/#/c/613039/">
<div>Jose Castro Leon</div>
<div>CERN Cloud Infrastructure Service</div>
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