<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
</head><body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Thanks for the update on
this, Jeremy! I was curious about the details behind those numbers :)<br>
<blockquote style="border: 0px none;"
cite="mid:20190103194151.zhnqx5esj76xhkxa@yuggoth.org" type="cite">
<div style="margin:30px 25px 10px 25px;" class="__pbConvHr"><div
style="width:100%;border-top:2px solid #EDF1F4;padding-top:10px;"> <div
<a moz-do-not-send="true" href="mailto:fungi@yuggoth.org"
!important;">Jeremy Stanley</a></div> <div
right;"> <font color="#909AA4"><span style="padding-left:6px">January
3, 2019 at 1:41 PM</span></font></div> </div></div>
<div style="color:#909AA4;margin-left:24px;margin-right:24px;"
__pbrmquotes="true" class="__pbConvBody"><div>First, I want to thank
everyone here for the remarkably smooth<br>transition to
openstack-discuss at the end of November. It's been<br>exactly one month
today since we shuttered the old openstack,<br>openstack-dev,
openstack-operators and openstack-sigs mailing lists<br>and forwarded
all subsequent posts for them to the new list address<br>instead. The
number of posts from non-subscribers has dwindled to<br>the point where
it's now only a few each day (many of whom also<br>subscribe immediately
after receiving the moderation autoresponse).<br><br>As of this moment,
we're up to 708 subscribers. Unfortunately it's<br>hard to compare raw
subscriber counts because the longer a list is<br>in existence the more
dead addresses it accumulates. Mailman does<br>its best to unsubscribe
addresses which explicitly reject/bounce<br>multiple messages in a row,
but these days many E-mail addresses<br>grow defunct without triggering
any NDRs (perhaps because they've<br>simply been abandoned, or because
their MTAs just blackhole new<br>messages for deleted accounts).
Instead, it's a lot more concrete to<br>analyze active participants on
mailing lists, especially since ours<br>are consistently configured to
require a subscription if you want to<br>avoid your messages getting
stuck in the moderation queue.<br><br>Over the course of 2018 (at least
until the lists were closed on<br>December 3) there were 1075 unique
E-mail addresses posting to one<br>of more of the openstack,
openstack-dev, openstack-operators and<br>openstack-sigs mailing lists.
Now, a lot of those people sent one or<br>maybe a handful of messages to
ask some question they had, and then<br>disappeared again... they
didn't really follow ongoing discussions,<br>so probably won't subscribe
to openstack-discuss until they have<br>something new to bring up.<br><br>On
the other hand, if we look at addresses which sent 10 or more<br>messages
in 2018 (an arbitrary threshold admittedly), there were<br>245.
Comparing those to the list of addresses subscribed to<br>openstack-discuss
today, there are 173 matches. That means we now<br>have *at least* 70%
of the people who sent 10 or more messages to<br>the old lists
subscribed to the new one. I say "at least" because we<br>don't have an
easy way to track address changes, and even if we did<br>that's never
going to get us to 100% because there are always going<br>to be people
who leave the lists abruptly for various reasons<br>(perhaps even
disappearing from our community entirely). Seems like<br>a good place to
be after only one month, especially considering the<br>number of folks
who may not have even been paying attention at all<br>during end-of-year
holidays.<br><br>As for message volume, we had a total of 912 posts to<br>openstack-discuss
in the month of December; comparing to the 1033<br>posts in total we
saw to the four old lists in December of 2017,<br>that's a 12% drop.
Consider, though, that right at 10% of the<br>messages on the old lists
were duplicates from cross-posting, so<br>that's really more like a 2%
drop in actual (deduplicated) posting<br>volume. It's far less of a
reduction than I would have anticipated<br>based on year-over-year
comparisons (for example, December of 2016<br>had 1564 posts across
those four lists). I think based on this, it's<br>safe to say the
transition to openstack-discuss hasn't hampered<br>discussion, at least
for its first full month in use.<br></div></div>