What is the difference between 4 and 8 virtual sockets to physical sockets?

Jorge Visentini jorgevisentini at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 21:13:15 UTC 2023

Yes, yes, that I understand.

I know that for example if I want to use host_passthrough then I must use
cpu_sockets == numa_nodes.
*My question is more conceptual, for me to understand.*

*For example:* If I have a physical host with 1 physical processor (1
socket), can I define my instance with 2, 4, 8+ sockets? I mean, is it good
practice? Is it correct to define the instance with 1 socket and increase
the amount of socket colors?

Not sure if I could explain my question... In short, what is the
relationship between the socket, cores and virtual thread and the socket,
cores and physical thread.
PS: I'm not into the issue of passthrough or not.

Em seg., 4 de set. de 2023 às 13:10, <smooney at redhat.com> escreveu:

> in general the only parameter you want to align to the physical host is
> the number of thread
> so if the phsyical host has 2 thread per physical core then its best to
> also do that in the vm
> we generally recommend setting the number of virutal socket equal to the
> number of virutal numa nodes
> if the vm has no explict numa toploly then you should set sockets=1
> else hw:cpu_sockets==hw:numa_nodes is our recomendation.
> for windows in partcalar the default config generated is suboptimal as
> windows client only supprot 1-2 sockets
> and windows serverver maxes out at 4 i believe.
> On Mon, 2023-09-04 at 11:51 -0300, Jorge Visentini wrote:
> > Hello Team,
> >
> > What is the difference between creating an instance with *4* or *8
> virtual
> > sockets*, since the hypervisor has only *4 physical sockets*.
> > My question is where do sockets, cores and virtual threads fit into the
> > physical hardware. I think this question is not just related to
> Openstack,
> > but with any virtualization.
> >
> > My hypervisor configuration is as follows:
> >
> > CPU(s): 192
> > Online CPU(s) list: 0-191
> > Thread(s) per core: 2
> > Core(s) per socket: 24
> > Socket(s): 4
> > NUMA node(s): 4
> >
> > Do you have any documentation that I can read and understand better?
> >
> > That we have a nice week!

Jorge Visentini
+55 55 98432-9868
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