[kolla-ansible][masakari] how segment works

Nguyễn Hữu Khôi nguyenhuukhoinw at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 14:12:24 UTC 2023

Hello guys.

I deployed masakari with kolla-ansible but I has a question:

Can you explain for me about segment because my masakari works same
attitude with one or more segments.


"With Masakari, compute nodes are grouped into failover segments. In the
event of a compute node failure, that node’s instances are moved onto
another compute node within the same segment"

I have 2 segments:

Compute01 >> Compute03 on segment 1
Compute04 >> Compute06 on segment 2

I think that instances only evacuate on its segment but they can go cross

Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you.

Nguyen Huu Khoi
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