[Horizon]: allow user to access calendar on horizon

James Leong jamesleong123098 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 03:36:32 UTC 2023

Hi all,
I am using kolla-ansible for OpenStack deployment in the yoga version. Is
it possible to allow the user (member role) to view the calendar graph
under the reservation tab (lease)? Currently, only the admin will be able
to view the calendar graph with all the reserved leases. However, a user
with other roles cannot load the calendar information. On the dashboard, I
saw it displayed " Unable to load reservations." When I look into the log
file, I get the below error message.

"blazarclient.exception.BlazarClientException: ERROR: Policy doesn't allow
blazar:oshosts:get to be performed."

Is there a way to allow the policy?

Thanks for your help.
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