Murilo Morais murilo at evocorp.com.br
Thu Jul 20 23:17:48 UTC 2023

Good evening everyone!

I'm using OVS + VLAN Provider

Guys, is there any way to remove IP from DHCP (network:dhcp)?

My gateway is external, I need the VMs to obtain the IPs directly on the
interface without using SNAT/DNAT, but when enabling DHCP on the subnet,
the DHCP interface consumes an IP (the first one available).

Is there a way to remove this blessed IP? If not, what other path can I

I'm thinking of other alternatives:
1. Use static IP
2. Use a DHCP Server on the Gateway (which makes me have to perform some
manual operations to assign the correct IP)

What would be more viable?

Thanks in advance!
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