Openstack Horizon Login Issues

Eugen Block eblock at
Thu Aug 31 10:30:20 UTC 2023


in an Ubuntu based (20.04) installation (Victoria) we had to change  
the WSGIScriptAlias from this:
WSGIScriptAlias /horizon  

to this:
WSGIScriptAlias /  

There seems to be some path misconfiguration or something, I can't  
recall all the details. But I believe that fixed it for us.


Zitat von Asma Naz Shariq <asma.naz at>:

> Hi Team, Can anyone help me to resolve this issue of openstack
> dashboard-Yoga release?
> You do not have permission to access the resource:
> /horizon/
> Login as different user or go back to home page. How to resolve this issue
> in openstack while accessing web interface.
> Can anyone guide me how to resolve this issue? when i entered the
> credentials to access to openstack dashboard, it display mesasge:
> Something went wrong!
> An unexpected error has occurred. Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't
> help, contact your local administrator.
> Regards,
> Asma

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