[glance][kolla] importing images on filesystem without copy?

Eugen Block eblock at nde.ag
Mon Aug 21 11:26:08 UTC 2023


I don't think this is possible. Importing an image to glance is not  
just having an image path but also creating a UUID, adding metadata,  
don't know what else there is involved. I'm not a dev, maybe it would  
be possible without too much effort, but someone with more glance  
experience should comment on that. I just noticed that nobody had  
responded in a week.


Zitat von Rob Jefferson <techstep at gmail.com>:

> Folks,
> I'm trying to wrap my brain around whether this is possible.
> Suppose I've configured Glance to use a filesystem backend. Would I be able
> to point Glance at a directory of existing images, and have it import the
> images into OpenStack (thus populating the database) without having to copy
> them? It seems fairly redundant to have the images on the filesystem, and
> to make copies as part of the creation process.
> Looking around in the documentation, it seems that this may not be
> possible, but I'm not sure if there's an alternate path or if what I'm
> asking is ill-posed.
> Any advice would be useful.
> Thanks,
> Rob

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