[neutron] neutron-db-manage multiple heads

Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez ralonsoh at redhat.com
Fri Nov 25 14:36:28 UTC 2022

Hi Eugen:

In Neutron we don't support contract operations since Newton.

If you are in Victoria and you correctly finished the DB migration, your
HEADs should be:
* contract: 5c85685d616d (from Newton)
* expand: I38991de2b4 (from the last DB change in Victoria,

Please check what you have in the DB table neutron.alembic_version. The
first register should be the expand number, the second the contract one. If
not, update them with the ones I've provided. Before executing the
migration tool again, be sure the DB schema matches the latest migration
patch for your version. You can deploy a VM with devstack and run this


On Fri, Nov 25, 2022 at 1:58 PM Eugen Block <eblock at nde.ag> wrote:

> Hi *,
> I'd like to ask you for advice on how to clean up my neutron db. At
> some point (which I don't know exactly, probably train) my neutron
> database got inconsistent, apparently one of the upgrades did not go
> as planned. The interesting thing is that the database still works, I
> just upgraded from ussuri to victoria where that issue popped up again
> during 'neutron-db-manage upgrade --expand', I'll add the information
> at the end of this email. Apparently, I have multiple heads, and one
> of them is from train, it seems as if I never ran --contract (or it
> failed and I didn't notice).
> Just some additional information what I did with this database: this
> cloud started out as a test environment with a single control node and
> then became a production environment. About two and a half years ago
> we decided to reinstall this cloud with version ussuri and import the
> databases. I had a virtual machine in which I upgraded the database
> dump from production to the latest versions at that time. That all
> worked quite well, I only didn't notice that something was missing.
> Now that I finished the U --> V upgrade I want to fix this
> inconsistency, I just have no idea how to do it. As I'm not sure how
> all the neutron-db-manage commands work exactly I'd like to ask for
> some guidance. For example, could the "stamp" command possibly help?
> Or how else can I get rid of the train head and/or how to get the
> train revision to "contract" so I can finish the upgrade and contract
> the victoria revision? I can paste the whole neutron-db history if
> necessary (neutron-db-manage history), please let me know what
> information would be required to get to the bottom of this.
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Eugen
> ---snip---
> controller01:~ # neutron-db-manage upgrade --expand
> [...]
> alembic.script.revision.MultipleHeads: Multiple heads are present for
> given argument 'expand at head'; 633d74ebbc4b, I38991de2b4
> controller01:~ # neutron-db-manage current --verbose
>    Running current for neutron ...
> INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
> INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
> Current revision(s) for mysql+pymysql://neutron:XXXXX@controller.fqdn
> /neutron:
> Rev: bebe95aae4d4 (head)
> Parent: b5344a66e818
> Branch names: contract
> Path:
> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/neutron/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/ussuri/contract/bebe95aae4d4_.py
> Rev: 633d74ebbc4b (head)
> Parent: 6c9eb0469914
> Branch names: expand
> Path:
> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/neutron/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/train/expand/633d74ebbc4b_.py
> Rev: I38991de2b4 (head)
> Parent: 49d8622c5221
> Branch names: expand
> Path:
> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/neutron/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/victoria/expand/I38991de2b4_source_and_destination_ip_prefix_neutron_metering_rule.py
>    OK
> ---snip---
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