[election][Requirements] PTL candidacy for Zed

Matthew Thode mthode at mthode.org
Tue Feb 15 20:41:53 UTC 2022

I would like to announce my candidacy for PTL of the Requirements
project for the Zed cycle.

The following will be my goals for the cycle, in order of importance:

1. The primary goal is to keep a tight rein on global-requirements and
upper-constraints updates.  (Keep things working well)

2. Un-cap requirements where possible (stuff like prettytable).

3. Fix some automation of generate contstraints (pkg-resources being
added and setuptools being dropped)

4. Audit global-requirements and upper-constraints for redundancies.
One of the rules we have for new entrants to global-requirements and/or
upper-constraints is that they be non-redundant.  Keeping that rule in
mind, audit the list of requirements for possible redundancies and if
possible, reduce the number of requirements we manage.

5. introduce better python version range support into constraints.

I look forward to continue working with you in this cycle, as your PTL
or not.

Thanks for your time,

Matthew Thode
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