[ironic]Anaconda deploy interface config

Carol Bouchard cbouchar at redhat.com
Fri Feb 4 13:38:36 UTC 2022

Ironic folks:

I'm trying to spawn a RHEL7 image using a kickstart file and having issues
with stage2 file.
First I used bifrost to initially setup a couple of VMs.  (There is no
I'm now using one of those VMs to boot up with RHEL7. I changed the VM
with the following:

*| deploy_interface       | anaconda*
* | instance_info          | {'kernel': 'http://myip:8080/RHEL7/vmlinuz
<http://myip:8080/RHEL7/vmlinuz>', 'ramdisk':
'http://myip:8080/RHEL7/initrd.img <http://myip:8080/RHEL7/initrd.img>',
'image_source': 'http://myip:8080/RHEL7/initrd.img
<http://myip:8080/RHEL7/initrd.img>', 'stage2':
<http://myip:8080/RHEL7/squashfs.img>', 'ks_cfg':
<http://myip:8080/RHEL7/ks.cfg.template>', 'ks_template':

ironic.conf changes I made are as follows:

*enabled_deploy_interfaces = direct,ramdisk,anaconda*

*[anaconda]default_ks_template = file:///etc/ironic/ks.cfg.template*

The error I'm getting is as follows:
 *$ baremetal node show testvm1 --field last_error*

*| last_error | Deploy step deploy.deploy failed with IsADirectoryError:
[Errno 21] Is a directory:
Tail end of traceback is as follows:

* ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR ironic.conductor.utils   File
line 1245, in cache_ramdisk_kernel ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR
ironic.conductor.utils     deploy_utils.fetch_images(ctx, TFTPImageCache(),
list(t_pxe_info.values()), ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR
ironic.conductor.utils   File
line 240, in fetch_images ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR
ironic.conductor.utils     cache.fetch_image(href, path, ctx=ctx,
force_raw=force_raw) ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR ironic.conductor.utils
line 120, in fetch_image ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR ironic.conductor.utils
    dest_up_to_date =
_delete_dest_path_if_stale(master_path, ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR
ironic.conductor.utils   File
line 460, in _delete_dest_path_if_stale ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR
ironic.conductor.utils     os.unlink(dest_path) ironic-conductor[]:   ERROR
ironic.conductor.utils IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory:

Please advise.

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