Cleanup database(s)

Sean Mooney smooney at
Mon Mar 8 13:53:58 UTC 2021

On Mon, 2021-03-08 at 13:18 +0000, Eugen Block wrote:
> Hi *,
> I have a quick question, last year we migrated our OpenStack to a  
> highly available environment through a reinstall of all nodes. The  
> migration went quite well, we're working happily in the new cloud but  
> the databases still contain deprecated data. For example, the  
> nova-scheduler logs lines like these on a regular basis:
> /var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log:2021-02-19 12:02:46.439 23540 WARNING  
> nova.scheduler.host_manager [...] No compute service record found for  
> host compute1
> This is one of the old compute nodes that has been reinstalled and is  
> now compute01. I tried to find the right spot to delete some lines in  
> the DB but there are a couple of places so I wanted to check and ask  
> you for some insights.
> The scheduler messages seem to originate in
> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/scheduler/
> ---snip---
>          for cell_uuid, computes in compute_nodes.items():
>              for compute in computes:
>                  service = services.get(
>                  if not service:
>                      LOG.warning(
>                          "No compute service record found for host %(host)s",
>                          {'host':})
>                      continue
> ---snip---
> So I figured it could be this table in the nova DB:
> ---snip---
> MariaDB [nova]> select host,deleted from compute_nodes;
> +-----------+---------+
> > host      | deleted |
> +-----------+---------+
> > compute01 |       0 |
> > compute02 |       0 |
> > compute03 |       0 |
> > compute04 |       0 |
> > compute05 |       0 |
> > compute1  |       0 |
> > compute2  |       0 |
> > compute3  |       0 |
> > compute4  |       0 |
> +-----------+---------+
> ---snip---
> What would be the best approach here to clean up a little? I believe  
> it would be safe to simply purge those lines containing the old  
> compute node, but there might be a smoother way. Or maybe there are  
> more places to purge old data from?
so the step you porably missed was deleting the old compute service records

so you need to do 
openstack compute service list to get teh compute service ids
then do 
openstack compute service delete <id-1> <id-2> ...

you need to make sure that you only remvoe the unused old serivces but i think that would fix your issue.

> I'd appreciate any ideas.
> Regards,
> Eugen

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