[election][TripleO] PTL candidacy for Xena

Marios Andreou marios at redhat.com
Wed Mar 3 16:36:47 UTC 2021

(nomination posted to


I would like to continue serving as PTL for TripleO during the Xena cycle.
Wallaby was my first PTL experience and it has been challenging and
rewarding. I've learnt a lot about release processes and other repo related
admin (like moving projects to the Independent release cycle).

As I said in the W candidacy nomination [1], nowadays TripleO works in
self-contained squads that drive technical decisions. We've had a lot of
across these squads (as always) during W with progress in a number of areas
including moving port/network creation outside of Heat (ports v2),
tripleo-ceph/tripleo-ceph-client and switching out ceph-ansible for cephadm,
removing swift and the deployment plan, BGP support with frrouter and using
ephemeral Heat for the overcloud deployment.

I'd like to continue what i started in W, which is, to increase
across tripleo squads and try to reign in the multitude of repos that we
created (and some now abandoned) over the years.

After a well attended Wallaby PTG we have reinstated our traditional IRC
meetings in #tripleo. I've started to "tidy up" our repos, moving some of
older and no longer used projects to 'independent' (os-refresh-config and
friends, tripleo-ipsec) and started the process to mark older branches as
starting with Rocky. There is a lot more to do here and I will be happy to
it if you give me the opportunity,

thanks for your consideration,


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