[tc][all] Please Help On Collecting Pain Points

Rico Lin ricolin at ricolky.com
Thu Jul 15 15:02:51 UTC 2021

Dear all
As a proposal for pre-select goals for Yoga [1]. We need to figure out the

*I would like to ask each project team, SIG, and pop-up if you can kindly
provide the major pain point you have (and better to be fixable by

*What you can help with is added in pain point information in [2].*
*Information like pain point topic, description, and ideas on how to
targeting them.*

*Why this is important?*
I think this data allows us to see clearly if we can have goals like
`eliminate pain points`.

*What's after this?*
If we can make sure this can be a goal material, we might be able to have
this as a goal and allow project teams to focus on one of their most
important issues.

As an alternative, we might be able to collect from user side with a user
survey, but that's more like a really long-term plan for this.

[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/y-series-goals
[2] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/pain-point-elimination

*Rico Lin*
OIF Board director, OpenStack TC, Multi-arch SIG chair, Heat PTL,
Senior Software Engineer at EasyStack
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