[cinder] Xena PTG schedule

Brian Rosmaita rosmaita.fossdev at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 19:29:46 UTC 2021

As mentioned at today's cinder meeting, the Xena PTG schedule for cinder 
next week is available:

The sessions will be recorded.  Connection info is on the etherpad.

As usual, there are a few items scheduled for specific times; otherwise, 
we'll just go through topics in the order listed, giving each one as 
much time as it needs.  If we are running long or short on any given day 
during the PTG, I'll move one of my topics.  So you should be able to 
figure out the day/time of your topic within a half hour or so.

Please look the schedule over and let me know about any conflicts as 
soon as possible.  Also, feel free to start adding any notes or 
references about your topic to the etherpad.

Depending on how things go, there may be room for another topic on 
Friday.  Let me know if there's something you'd like to see discussed.

Finally, don't forget to register for the PTG:

See you at the PTG!

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