[ceilometer][octavia][Victoria] No metrics from octavia loadbalancer

Adam Tomas bkslash at poczta.onet.pl
Mon Apr 12 13:24:06 UTC 2021

Im trying to get metrics from octavia’s load balancer, but can’t get any (gnocchi metric list | grep loadbalancer not returning anything). How should I configure ceilometer to get metrics from octavia? Ceilometer asks neutron for load balancer metrics, and neutron responses „resource cannot be found” (and that is obvious, because Neutron LBaaS service is deprecated). How to force neutron to get these resources from Octavia?
I’ve tried to use
service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:Octavia:neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver:default
in neutron.conf, but it doesn’t work either…

Best regards

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