Can't delete a vm

Ignazio Cassano ignaziocassano at
Tue Sep 22 05:49:26 UTC 2020

Probably you need to see the instances table on nova db.

Il Mar 22 Set 2020, 07:32 Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <Istvan.Szabo at> ha

> The problem is that in opestack you can't find this vm if I want to delete:
> nova reset-state 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7 --active
> Reset state for server 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7 failed: No
> server with a name or ID of '94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7' exists.
> ERROR (CommandError): Unable to reset the state for the specified
> server(s).
> openstack server delete 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7
> No server with a name or ID of '94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7'
> exists.
> nova force-delete 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7
> ERROR (CommandError): No server with a name or ID of
> '94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7' exists.
> openstack server delete hk-qaciapp-2020
> No server with a name or ID of 'hk-qaciapp-2020' exists.
> But if I list it like this can see:
> openstack server list --all-projects --long --limit -1 | grep
> 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7
> | 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7 | hk-qaciapp-2020
>       | BUILD   | scheduling | NOSTATE     |
>        | CentOS-7-x86_64-1511 (14.11.2017)          |
> 2caaef01-e2f9-4e93-961a-c2b2d4a6be82 | QA_VLAN62         | None            |
> :/
> It was created with the api before, maybe should try to delete with the
> API? Not sure :/
> ________________________________
> From: Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano at>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 12:21 PM
> To: Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
> Cc: openstack-discuss
> Subject: Re: Can't delete a vm
> Email received from outside the company. If in doubt don't click links nor
> open attachments!
> ________________________________
> Hello, before feeling instance, try to use nova reset-state to change the
> state of in instance to available.
> Then try to remove.
> Ignazio
> Il Mar 22 Set 2020, 06:43 Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <Istvan.Szabo at
> <mailto:Istvan.Szabo at>> ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I have vm which is stuck in the build phase:
> openstack server list --all-projects --long --limit -1 | grep
> 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7
>                        | 94ab55d3-3e39-48d3-a9b2-505838ceb6e7 |
> hk-qaciapp-2020                        | BUILD   | scheduling | NOSTATE
>  |                                       | CentOS-7-x86_64-1511
> (14.11.2017)          | 2caaef01-e2f9-4e93-961a-c2b2d4a6be82 | QA_VLAN62
>      | None
> I've tried to delete with openstack server delete, nova delete force,
> restarted the nova services on all management nodes, restarted the nova
> compute service where it was originally spawned but still visible.
> I see in the database in couple of places either the id and either the
> hostname, like in instance mapping table, instances table, nova_cell0
> database ...
> I have an idea how to delete, so I'd spawn just a vm and check which
> tables are created the entries, and I would go through all tables with the
> problematic one and delete 1 by 1 but this will takes me hours ....
> Any faster way you might suggest me please?
> Thank you
> ________________________________
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