[tc][elections] Nomination

Donny Davis donny at fortnebula.com
Fri Mar 27 16:24:56 UTC 2020

Hello Openstack Humanoids,

My name is Donny Davis and I would like to announce my candidacy for TC.

I built my first Openstack cloud by hand on the Grizzly release to provide
a training environment for fellow employees who lacked Satellite equipment
to train on. I have spent subsequent years of my life building,
maintaining, operating, and teaching other people how to Openstack.

I contribute Openstack CI resources via Fort Nebula (last cycle), and this
cycle via Open Edge. This is a cloud that has been tuned specifically for
the Openstack Community CI workload. I support many of the obscure
requirements to run non-standard CI jobs on this cloud. This Openstack
deployment is all my personal equipment and is 100% privately funded. In
the last cycle my commit for test instances was mostly 50 concurrent jobs,
and this cycle is mostly 40.

As a member of the TC, I bring close to a decade of experience as an
Operator. I feel the Openstack community can continue to deliver quality
code while focusing on easing the burden of getting Openstack clouds into
production. For a long time the focus of this community has been to develop
bleeding edge features to deliver technical value to consumers. Now this
community should focus on making those features easier to consume.

I can view the TC through the eyes of a builder, tinkerer, trainer, and
long time operator of Openstack.

Thank you for your consideration.
C: 805 814 6800
"No mission too difficult. No sacrifice too great. Duty First"
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