[all][InteropWG] Tuesday June 9, UTC 17 - Meeting Reminder to review OpenStack Powered Logo Guidelines and your feedback

prakash RAMCHANDRAN pramchan at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 9 01:30:18 UTC 2020

InteropWG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting Tuesday June 9th,10-10.45 AM PDT / 13-13.45 EDT / 17-17.45 UTC,Join from a browser: https://Dell.zoom.us/wc/join/99829924353 ,
Password: 101045 ,
orJoin Zoom Meeting: https://Dell.zoom.us/j/99829924353?pwd=bU9NTkZQVkd3SmIrVGErZWFGVnlmUT09 ,
and in paralle on irc ,irc: #openstack-interopwg or #openstack ,

For background review -   1. https://www.slideshare.net/markvoelker/interopwg-intro-vertical-programs-jan-2017 ,

2. https://opendev.org/openstack/interop/src/branch/master/2020.06.json ,

3. https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/victoria-ptg-interop-wg ,

1. Agenda Bashing2. Presentation for comments on Ussuri Interop Draft Guidelines (Need - Verbage and logo for adding OpenStack Powered DNS & Orchetsration -  -https://www.openstack.org/brand/interop/)
    Review Project APIs for Interop Ussuri cycle    a. keystone ,
    b. glance ,    c. nova ,    d. neutron ,    e. cinder ,    f. swift ,    g. designate (OpenStack powered DNS logo?) ,    h. heat (OpenStack powered Orchestrator Logo?) .
3. Feed back by contributors and any other PTG or representatiive from community
4. Conclusion by Mark Voelker for Ussuri Draft - Vice Chair (Market Place, logo, irc, conference-bridge, issues in refstack-client, tempest features,...)
5. Approval verbal or irc  vote in Interop WG for Draft to Board for  Thursday June 11 schedule - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/11June2020BoardMeeting
Finally Any suggestions for Victoria cycle to explore  1. Ironic or Bare metal (Open Infrastructure Powered Logo?)2. NFV (tacker? NFVi &/or VNF/CNF APIs?) (OpenStack NFV Logo?)3. Ideas needed for  Heterogeneus Cloud compliance (suggest use cases) (OpenStack Compatible Hybrid Cloud Logo?)

ThanksPrakash : Chair InteropWGMark : Vice Chair : Interop WG

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