[NOVA] instance hostname vs display_name vs dns_name

Volodymyr Litovka doka.ua at gmx.com
Thu Jan 30 12:40:02 UTC 2020

Hi Sean,

please, see below

30.01.20 00:17, Sean Mooney пише:
> On Wed, 2020-01-29 at 16:44 +0200, Volodymyr Litovka wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> I'm using DNS Integration and just faced an issue - after renaming
>> instance, I can't bind port to the instance using new name:
>> 1) I've created intances with name 'devel'
>> 2) then I renamed it to devel ((openstack server set --name packager devel)
>> 3) when binding port with dns_name using new name ('packager' in my
>> case), the following error appear:
>> ERROR nova.api.openstack.wsgi PortNotUsableDNS: Port
>> c3a92cf6-b49b-4570-b69b-0c23af1d1f94 not usable for instance
>> 6aa78bd5-099e-4878-a5ac-90262505a924. Value packager assigned to
>> dns_name attribute does not match instance's hostname devel
>> and yes, record in DB still uses an old hostname:
>> mysql> select display_name from instances where hostname='devel';
>> +--------------+
>>> display_name |
>> +--------------+
>>> packager     |
>> +--------------+
>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>> and hostname remains the same (initial) regardless of any changes to
>> display_name.
>> I'm on Rocky. Is it bug or feature and are there ways to work around this?
> i think you should be able to change the display name but i would not expect that display name to change
> the host name used by the guest. it is likely a bug that the portbinding appears to be using the displayname
> for designate integration.

The issue is that portbinding compares NOT the "display_port", but
"hostname" column to port's dns_name,  and this lead to the described
above issue, i.e.

mysql> select hostname, display_name from instances where uuid='2d49b781-cef5-4cdd-a310-e74eb98aa514';
| hostname | display_name |
| web01    | web02        |

$ openstack port create --network e-net --dns-name web02 --fixed-ip subnet=e-bed testport
| Field                 | Value
| dns_assignment        | fqdn='web02.loc.', hostname='web02', ip_address='x.x.x.x'
| dns_domain            |
| dns_name              | web02
| id                    | 0425701f-d958-4c81-931a-9594fba7d7d2

$ nova interface-attach --port-id 0425701f-d958-4c81-931a-9594fba7d7d2 web02
ERROR (ClientException): Unexpected API Error.

the core issue behind this is that if user renamed server and still want
to access it using name, he can't

> i know we use the display name as the hostname for the vm by default but
> i would not expect openstack server set --name packager devel to alter the hostname served to the vm over dhcp
> once the vm is intially created. i would expect to be able to alther that via designate and for the display name to be
> independt of the host name after the inital boot.
> so yes there is likely a bug in that we are using the disply name somewhere we shoudl not be.


Either renaming instance need to change both "hostname" and
"display_name" columns or DNS integration need compare port's dns_name
with "display_name".

Thank you.

Volodymyr Litovka
   "Vision without Execution is Hallucination." -- Thomas Edison

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