[nova][ops] 'Duplicate entry for primary key' problem running nova-manage db archive_deleted_rows

Surya Seetharaman surya.seetharaman9 at gmail.com
Wed May 8 11:50:47 UTC 2019


On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 12:41 PM Massimo Sgaravatto <
massimo.sgaravatto at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Fron time to time I use to move entries related to deleted instances to
> shadow tables, using the command:
> nova-manage db archive_deleted_rows
> This is now failing [*] for the instance_metadata table because of a
> 'duplicate entry for the primary key' problem:
> DBDuplicateEntry: (pymysql.err.IntegrityError) (1062, u"Duplicate entry
> '6' for key 'PRIMARY'") [SQL: u'INSERT INTO shadow_instance_metadata
> (created_at, updated_at, deleted_at, deleted, id, `key`, value,
> instance_uuid) SELECT instance_metadata.created_at,
> instance_metadata.updated_at, instance_metadata.deleted_at,
> instance_metadata.deleted, instance_metadata.id, instance_metadata.`key`,
> instance_metadata.value, instance_metadata.instance_uuid \nFROM
> instance_metadata \nWHERE instance_metadata.deleted != %(deleted_1)s ORDER
> BY instance_metadata.id \n LIMIT %(param_1)s'] [parameters: {u'param_1':
> 1, u'deleted_1': 0}]
> Indeed:
> mysql> SELECT instance_metadata.created_at, instance_metadata.updated_at,
> instance_metadata.deleted_at, instance_metadata.deleted,
> instance_metadata.id, instance_metadata.`key`, instance_metadata.value,
> instance_metadata.instance_uuid FROM instance_metadata WHERE
> instance_metadata.deleted != 0 ORDER BY instance_metadata.id limit 1;
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+---------+----+-------+-------+--------------------------------------+
> | created_at          | updated_at | deleted_at          | deleted | id |
> key   | value | instance_uuid                        |
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+---------+----+-------+-------+--------------------------------------+
> | 2018-09-20 07:40:56 | NULL       | 2018-09-20 07:54:26 |       6 |  6 |
> group | node  | a9000ff7-2298-454c-bf71-9e3c62ec0f3c |
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+---------+----+-------+-------+--------------------------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> But there is a 5-years old entry (if I am not wrong we were running Havana
> at that time) in the shadow table with that id:
> mysql> select * from shadow_instance_metadata where id='6';
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+----+----------+---------------------+--------------------------------------+---------+
> | created_at          | updated_at | deleted_at          | id | key      |
> value               | instance_uuid                        | deleted |
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+----+----------+---------------------+--------------------------------------+---------+
> | 2014-11-04 12:57:10 | NULL       | 2014-11-04 13:06:45 |  6 | director |
> microbosh-openstack | 5db5b17b-69f2-4f0a-bdd2-efe710268021 |       6 |
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+----+----------+---------------------+--------------------------------------+---------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql>
> I wonder how could that happen.
> Can I simply remove that entry from the shadow table (I am not really
> interested to keep it) or are there better (cleaner) way to fix the problem
> ?
> This Cloud is now running Ocata
> Thanks, Massimo
>From what I can understand, it looks like a record with id 6 was archived
long back (havana-ish) and then there was a new record with id 6 again
ready to be archived ? (not sure how there could have been two records with
same id since ids are incremental even over releases, I am not sure of the
history though since I wasn't involved with OS then). I think the only way
out is to manually delete that entry from the shadow table if you don't
want it. There should be no harm in removing it.

We have a "nova-manage db purge [--all] [--before <date>] [--verbose]
[--all-cells]" command that removes records from shadow_tables (
https://docs.openstack.org/nova/rocky/cli/nova-manage.html) but it was
introduced in rocky. So it won't be available in Ocata unfortunately.

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