[openstack-helm] would like to discuss review turnaround time

Jean-Philippe Evrard jean-philippe at evrard.me
Thu Feb 21 18:28:16 UTC 2019


These were just examples. We can always find give counter examples of reviews lagging behind by checking in gerrit.

As far as I understand it, the problem is not that people don't get reviews in a timely fashion, is how they are prioritized.
In Openstack, reviews stays behind for a certain time. It's sad but normal.

But when people are actively pointing to a review, don't get a review, and others patches seem to go through the system... Then a tension appears. That tension is caused by different understanding of priorities. I raised that in the past.

I think this is a problem we should address -- We don't want to alienate community members. We want to bring them in, by listening to their use case and work all together. For this project to become a community project, we truly need to scale that common sense of priorities all together, far beyond the walls of a single company. We also need to help others achieve their goals, as long as they are truly beneficial for the project in the long term. I like this guidance of the TC: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/principles.html#openstack-first-project-team-second-company-third . Let's get there together. Long story short, I would love to see more attention to non AT&T patches. I guess IRC, ML, or meetings are good channels to raise those. Would that be a correct assumption for the future?

Anyway, I am glad you've answered on this email.

Please keep in mind it's not possible for everyone to join IRC, some people are not fluent in English,  and some people simply don't want to join instant messaging. For those, the official communication channel is also the emails, so we should, IMO, treat it as an important channel too.

Jean-Philippe Evrard (evrardjp)

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