[Magnum] Unable to create Kubernetes cluster

Anirudh Gupta anyrude10 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 09:51:05 UTC 2019

Hi Team,

I am trying to create kubernetes cluster using Magnum Openstack.

My External Network configuration is as follows:

neutron net-create MGMT_NET --shared --router:external
--provider:physical_network provider1 --provider:network_type flat

neutron subnet-create MGMT_NET --name MGMT_SUBNET
--allocation-pool start=,end= --disable-dhcp --gateway

Then I am creating a template with docker storage driver as "Overlay"

openstack coe cluster template create kubernetes-cluster-template
--image fedora-atomic-latest
--docker-storage-driver overlay  --external-network public --dns-nameserver --master-flavor m1.small --flavor m1.small --coe kubernetes

Creating a cluster with 1 master node

openstack coe cluster create kubernetes-cluster --cluster-template
kubernetes-cluster-template --master-count 1 --node-count 1 --keypair

When I look into my stack, it shows the event
Create in Progress and eventaully after 1 hr, it gets failed.

I have checked the Troubleshooting Guide as well, but found nothing that
could help me resolving the issue.

Can you please suggest some pointers in order to resolve the issue.

Anirudh Gupta
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