OpenStack Summit Berlin Presentation Videos & Slides

Jimmy McArthur jimmy at
Wed Nov 21 19:45:50 UTC 2018

Ha! It was an amazing city and venue :)  just some strict IT policies. 

> On Nov 21, 2018, at 1:36 PM, Frank Kloeker <eumel at> wrote:
> Sorry, Jimmy, that Internet thing is still Neuland for us.
> Frank
> Am 2018-11-21 17:53, schrieb Jimmy McArthur:
>> Hi Thomas-
>> Thanks for your question. The extended timeframe is due to constraints
>> with onsite network bandwidth at the Berlin conference center.  This
>> has required we ship drives to the US for editing and upload
>> (different from recent Summits). Mid December is the latest we
>> anticipate; however, we are trying to get them up as soon as possible.
>> We will follow up on this email thread as soon as they are live.
>> Please let us know if you have any further questions.
>> Cheers,
>> Jimmy
>>> Thomas Morin
>>> November 21, 2018 at 3:57 AM
>>> Hi Jimmy,
>>> During previous summits, it was great to have the video available
>>> shortly after the summit (sometimes as shortly as the same day).
>>> That allowed to catch up sessions one could not attend, or suggests
>>> interesting sessions to colleagues that could not attend.
>>> "Strike while the iron is hot", this kind of things :)
>>> Perhaps we just got used too much to this form of luxury :)
>>> So I don't want to ask for the impossible for the summit team, which
>>> did a wonderful job, but I'm curious: is it possible to have an idea
>>> why this can't be the case this time ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Thomas
>>> Jimmy McArthur
>>> November 20, 2018 at 11:13 AM
>>> Thank you to everyone for a great OpenStack Summit last week in
>>> Berlin! As you know, there were hundreds of breakout sessions to
>>> catch last week. Videos from the keynote sessions are currently
>>> available here [1], and our team is working to get the other
>>> breakout session videos loaded as quickly as possible. We're
>>> currently expecting all videos to be posted by mid-December, and if
>>> we get them up sooner, I'll update this thread.
>>> In the meantime, you can watch the keynotes videos [2] and watch
>>> this page [3] for updates.  Please also note that we sent out a link
>>> to all presenters to upload their slides. As they are uploaded, they
>>> can be found on the details page for each presentation on the Berlin
>>> Summit Schedule [3] (along with videos, as they are processed).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jimmy
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]

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