<div dir="ltr">Hello all,<br><br>I hereby announce my candidacy for PTL of the OpenStack Charms project [0].<br><br>Through the course of the past two years I have made many contributions to<br>the Charms projects and I have had the privilege of becoming a Core developer.<br><br>Prior to focusing on the Charms project I have made upstream contributions in<br>other OpenStack projects and I have followed the unfolding and development of<br>the OpenStack community with great interest.<br><br>We live in exciting times and I believe great things are afoot for OpenStack<br>as a stable, versatile and solid contender in the cloud space. It would be<br>my privilege to be able to help further that along as PTL for the Charms<br>project.<br><br>Our project has a strong and disperse group of contributors and we are blessed<br>with motivated and assertive people taking interest in maintaining existing<br>code as well as developing new features.<br><br>The most important aspect of my job as PTL will be to make sure we maintain<br>room for the diversity of contributions without losing velocity and direction.<br>Maintaining and developing our connection with the broader OpenStack community<br>will also be of great importance.<br><br>Some key areas of focus for Stein cycle:<br>- Python 3 migration<br> - The clock is ticking for Python 2 and we need to continue the drive towards<br>   porting all our code to Python 3<br>- Continue modernization of test framework<br> - Sustained software quality is only as good as you can prove through the<br>   quality of your unit and functional tests.<br> - Great progress has been made this past cycle in developing and extending<br>   functionality of a new framework for our functional tests and we need to<br>   continue this work.<br> - Continue to build test driven development culture, and export this culture<br>   to contributors outside the core team.<br>- [Multi-cycle] Explore possibilities and methodologies for Classic -> layered<br> Reactive Charm migrations<br> - A lot of effort has been put into the Reactive Charm framework and the<br>   reality of writing a new Charm today is quite different from what it was<br>   just a few years ago.<br> - The time and effort needed to maintain a layered Reactive Charm is also far<br>   less than what it takes to maintain a classic Charm.<br> - There are many hard and difficult topics surrounding such a migration but I<br>   think it is worth spending some time exploring our options of how we could<br>   get there.<br>- Evaluate use of upstream release tools<br> - The OpenStack release team has put together some great tools that might<br>   make our release duties easier. Let us evaluate adopting some of them for<br>   our project.<br><div><br></div><div>0: <a href="https://review.openstack.org/#/c/586821/">https://review.openstack.org/#/c/586821/</a><br></div><div><br></div>--<br><div>Frode Nordahl (IRC: fnordahl)<br></div><br></div>