<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I am pleased to announce the availability of not one, but two releases of kayobe[1]. Both provide numerous enhancements over previous releases. Kayobe 2.0.0 is based on the Ocata OpenStack release, and Kayobe 3.0.0 on Pike. Please see the release notes[2] for further information.<br><br>A bit about kayobe:<br><br>Kayobe is an open source tool for automating deployment of Scientific OpenStack onto a set of bare metal servers. Kayobe is composed of Ansible playbooks, a python module, and makes heavy use of the OpenStack kolla project. Kayobe aims to complement the kolla-ansible project, providing an opinionated yet highly configurable OpenStack deployment and automation of many operational procedures.<br><br>Please see the documentation[3] for further information.<br><br>[1] <a href="https://github.com/stackhpc/kayobe/releases">https://github.com/stackhpc/kayobe/releases</a><br>[2] <a href="http://kayobe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes.html">http://kayobe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes.html</a><br>[3] <a href="http://kayobe.readthedocs.io/en/latest">http://kayobe.readthedocs.io/en/latest</a><br></div>