<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default"><span style="font-family:monospace,monospace"><font size="2">Now that we have successfully navigated the Pike release and branched<br>the tree, I would like to restart the conversation about how to revive<br>and restart the Trove project.<br><br>Feedback from the last go around on this subject[1] resulted in a<br>lively discussion which I summarized in [2]. The very quick summary is<br>this, there is interest in Trove, there is a strong desire to maintain<br>a migration path, there is much that remains to be done to get there.<br><br>What didn't come out of the email discussion was any concrete and<br>tangible uptick in the participation in the project, promises<br>notwithstanding.<br><br>There have however been some new contributors who have been submitting<br>patches and to help channel their efforts, and any additional<br>assistance that we may receive, I have created the (below) list of<br>priorities for the project. These will also be the subject of<br>discussion at the PTG in Denver.<br><br> - Fix the gate<br><br> - Update currently failing jobs, create xenial based images<br> - Fix gate jobs that have gone stale (non-voting, no one paying<br> attention)<br><br> - Bug triage<br><br> - Bugs in launchpad are really out of date, assignments to<br> people who are no longer active, bugs that are really support<br> requests, etc.,<br> - Prioritize fixes for Queens and beyond<br><br> - Get more active reviewers<br><br> - There seems to still be a belief that 'contributing' means<br> 'fixing bugs'. There is much more value in actually doing<br> reviews.<br> - Get at least a three member active core review team by the<br> end of the year.<br><br> - Complete Python 3 support<br><br> - Currently not complete; especially on the guest side<br><br> - Community Goal, migrate to oslo.policy<br><br> - Anything related to new features<br><br>This is clearly an opinionated list, and is open to change but I'd<br>like to do that based on the Agile 'stand up' meeting rules. You know, the chicken and pigs thing :)<br><br>So, if you'd like to get on board, offer suggestions to change this<br>list, and then go on to actually implement those changes, c'mon over.<br><br></font></span></div><div><div class="gmail_signature"><span style="font-family:monospace,monospace"><font size="2">-amrith<br><br><br><br>[1] <a href="http://openstack.markmail.org/thread/wokk73ecv44ipfjz">http://openstack.markmail.org/thread/wokk73ecv44ipfjz</a><br>[2] <a href="http://markmail.org/message/gfqext34xh5y37ir">http://markmail.org/message/gfqext34xh5y37ir</a><br><br><br></font></span></div></div>