I'm going to have to miss this mornings meeting again. Here out my outstanding issues<div>- project patch <a href="https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332470/9">https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332470/9</a>, is pending a request to clean up the branches in the craton repo. Once the repo is moved, branch cleanup is expensive time wise. Branches are typically minor and major releases only. </div><div>- allocating devs to the project. I'm getting spun up around a few teams. After the watcher, nova mid cycle this week. I will have a better idea who is available. </div><div>- forking OneOps CMS repos as code base start. We are definitely interested internally in doing this. I suggest I get my devs to propose how the fork would look and what the implications are. Then the craton team as whole can discuss the merits and modifications to the approach. </div><div><br></div><br><br>-- <br>~sean<br>