<div dir="ltr"><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'DejaVu Sans Mono';font-size:9pt">Hello All,<br><br>I have been working on OpenStack for the past year, currently the PTL of two<br>projects part of the big-tent: Dragonflow and Kuryr and contributing to OVN and<br>to Neutron core.<br><br>The past year is by no doubt the best year of my career, working with the community<br>and doing so openly for 100% of my time has been a great experience.<br>I fell in love with the OpenStack way and i keep trying to promote open communities by being<br>a speaker at Numerous summits, arranging meetups, writing a blog about the<br>projects and overall trying to raise awareness for working open source both internally<br>at my organization and externally.<br><br>I would love to contribute and be part of the TC to share my vision for the road ahead<br>with the rest of the TC members and help drive it together with all the<br>projects that make OpenStack what it is.<br><br>The following points describe my high level vision and what i will pursue in the next<br>year:<br><br>1) Containers and OpenStack - i think this intersection is a crucial part for the<br> future of OpenStack, more and more workloads are turning into containers and this<br> in my view will only increase.<br> enabling containers engines and OpenStack to work together will be crucial for<br> future deployments, this is one of the reason project Kuryr was started and its my<br> goal to make sure we align a mixed OpenStack containers strategy for all major<br> projects and future projects.<br><br> I am already trying to arrange a containers session at the Ops summit in Austin<br> in order to better understand these environments and their challenges and i<br> believe OpenStack flexibility can show real value to these environments.<br><br>2) Big-Tent, Users/Operators - I am all in favor of removing barriers for innovation<br> and being more on the allowing side then dismissing, but i feel the picture of<br> OpenStack as a whole for users and operators is not clear enough.<br> Big number of projects, big number of configuration options and a very hard time<br> deploying OpenStack.<br><br> Grouping projects and interests together and delegating responsibility is<br> important, Neutron big-stadium is a good initiative but it didn't work as planned<br> and i hope to tackle this area both for the project teams but even more importantly for<br> the users and deployers, we need to define quality better and we need to present<br> a better overall picture of what OpenStack is and how its best and simplest deployed.<br><br>3) Hybrid Cloud - This is an area OpenStack can show alot of value, it spans across many<br> areas like networking, storage, compute, backup and disaster recovery, orchestration<br> and more.<br> I hope to try and work with the TC members and the project teams to raise<br> awareness for hybrid and multi site enablement in all areas of OpenStack, rather its<br> federation or centralized orchestration we need to solve use cases that are becoming<br> more and more relevant.<br><br>4) Application in the middle - i think its important to understand our users use cases<br> and to me, OpenStack users are also the applications that run on top of it.<br> Bridging the gap between the infrastructure and the application needs helps prioritize<br> and deliver better features for our projects and i hope to help in that direction.<br><br><br>I plan to work with project teams to raise awareness for the above points<br>i dont believe in intervention, i think the TC role is to be a guiding and helping body that<br>represent the community voice rather then an enforcer and i plan to keep doing<br>things this way.<br><br>Thanks<br>Gal.</pre>