[14:02:22] #startmeeting trove [14:02:24] Meeting started Wed Mar 23 18:02:06 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is cp16net. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. [14:02:24] Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. [14:02:26] *** openstack changes topic to ' (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:02:27] The meeting name has been set to 'trove' [14:02:33] o/ [14:02:35] hello cp16net [14:02:35] hi [14:02:38] hello flaper87 [14:02:43] howdy [14:02:45] o/ [14:02:46] amrith: hey there :D [14:02:47] hi hi [14:02:51] i almost missed it [14:02:54] *** tellesnobrega_af is now known as tellesnobrega [14:02:54] i got distracted [14:03:01] o/ [14:03:23] doing a rebase [14:03:37] anyways hope everyone is have a good day [14:03:38] * twm2016 is listening [14:03:43] lets get this party started [14:03:55] #topic last week action items [14:03:56] *** openstack changes topic to 'last week action items (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:04:05] #info [amrith] get more information about creating and distributing a trove wide dashboard [14:04:15] so I sent an email to the ML [14:04:19] and I have a bunch of responses. [14:04:29] there are a couple of projects ongoing in this area. [14:04:40] this does not relate to the item you put on later; 292451 [14:04:45] k [14:04:49] these are in effect semi-personal dashboards [14:04:56] I'm looking for a formal dashboard for the project [14:05:11] and one that will help track us to a/the release milestone(s) [14:05:22] I have some information [14:05:28] I will mail to the ML [trove] [14:05:29] alright sounds like there is progress being made on that action tiem [14:05:36] or you can follow the earlier discussions [14:05:43] should we follow up next week on more info? [14:06:00] see thread http://openstack.markmail.org/thread/qh7u3sxmtpwkdzas [14:06:11] I tend to disagree on gerrit dashboards being smi-personal as there are ways to make them very useful for a project but I do agree they are not the prettiest ones and they lack of some useful functionality (like labels/hashtags) [14:06:14] at this point, I'd say no. [14:06:14] I'll bring it back when there is more information [14:06:24] *** sigmavirus24_awa is now known as sigmavirus24 [14:06:24] * flaper87 is all for something that represents the needs of the project better [14:06:54] amrith: ok [14:07:05] amrith: good stuff, btw! I had no idea that Swift had that dashboard and it does sound like something we could use elsewhere [14:07:08] flaper87: yeah its usful when everyone can have a simliar view [14:07:20] so everyone knows what others are looking at [14:07:40] ok so next item [14:07:45] #info [amrith] contact Victor Stinner re: python3 session at summit [DONE] [14:07:49] I started using it heavily in Glance in Mitaka and it helped. I can't tell everyone was using it but a good number of people were [14:07:56] looks like that was addressed [14:07:57] * flaper87 stfu [14:07:59] cp16net, with the dashboard as proposed, it is useful for individuals to see what they have to do ... aka, semi-personal. Not something that is useful to administer deliverables for a project, which is what I'm after. [14:08:07] o/ [14:08:11] o/ [14:08:26] the other action items were done [14:08:35] including pmackinn (who's missing today) [14:08:38] #info [amrith] Add new projects discussion topic for summit agenda. [DONE] [14:08:46] #info [pmackinn] I've tagged you on some topics based on mid-cycle, please confirm [DONE, during the meeting] [14:08:54] #info [amrith] get leaders for all sessions that we want to actually conduct ;) [ONGOING] [14:09:24] On the py3 thing [14:09:28] I have an update [14:09:32] Victor won't be at summit [14:09:38] he'll chat with us before summit [14:09:48] I've removed -1s and -2s on all py3 reviews [14:10:08] sounds good we should move forward on those now [14:10:17] In email, "I propose to discuss Python 3 before the summit. For example, prepare a concrete plan to port Trove to Python 3, list technical issues like MySQL-Python, etc." [14:10:22] I will keep team posted. [14:10:33] word [14:10:51] alright thanks for the updates amrith on the action items [14:11:24] #topic Trove pulse update [14:11:24] *** openstack changes topic to 'Trove pulse update (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:11:30] I have an update [14:11:33] #link http://bit.ly/1VQyg00 [14:11:52] i passed on some info to amrith to be able to update this [14:12:02] yup, thanks cp16net [14:12:26] if others are curious on this i made a small blog article so that you can see how its generated as well. [14:12:29] #link http://yunatech.com/openstack-trove-review-stats.html [14:12:30] it took a couple of seconds but ... for the benefit of the rest of the folks here, I'd point you to the wonderful blog post on the subject at http://yunatech.com/openstack-trove-review-stats.html [14:12:39] ah, you beat me to it ;) [14:12:42] :-P [14:12:49] o/ [14:13:28] i have a few other posts related to trove in there [14:13:38] mostly debugging stuff [14:13:41] An update ... I'm going to run through and scrub open reviews and get rid of oldy moldy ones [14:13:55] yeah i've started that as well [14:13:57] the open patches number (third graph) is going up [14:13:59] thanks cp16net [14:14:02] I saw that [14:14:26] If you have a patch set that you intend to resume work on, please put an update in it to that effect so we don't go abandon it under you ... [14:14:27] if any of the abandoned patches looks like something you would like to pick up feel free [14:14:39] #action [all] If you have a patch set that you intend to resume work on, please put an update in it to that effect so we don't go abandon it under you ... [14:14:53] #action [all] if any of the abandoned patches looks like something you would like to pick up feel free [14:15:06] making sure you add that action? [14:15:07] :-P [14:15:50] ok anything else on the pulse update? [14:16:07] #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/is:watched+is:abandoned+%28project:openstack/trove%20OR%20project:openstack/trove-integration%20OR%20project:openstack/trove-dashboard%20OR%20project:openstack/python-troveclient%29 [14:16:27] #link http://bit.ly/22whQNM [14:16:35] that's list of recently abandoned patches [14:16:51] yeah nice [14:17:21] i'm sure some of the patches are good ideas but due to no activity we have purged them [14:17:33] *** rsyed_away is now known as rsyed [14:17:35] anyone can feel free to pick up something [14:17:40] from that list [14:17:44] ++ [14:18:01] FWIW, we abandoned many patches in Glance during Mitaka. It turned out to be something good [14:18:01] it is spring, and in spring we do spring cleaning [14:18:06] no one got offended and some were picked up [14:18:19] :-D [14:18:30] i feel refreshed [14:18:43] minus the ~4 hours of sleep i get a night... [14:18:53] ok moving on... [14:18:58] yeah, a long (stalled) review list has a way worse effect than some patches being abandoned [14:19:08] #topic Announcements [14:19:09] *** openstack changes topic to 'Announcements (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:19:19] I have announcement re: mitaka [14:19:20] #link http://releases.openstack.org/mitaka/schedule.html [14:19:35] go ahead amrith [14:19:43] we will do an RC2 for trove-dashboard for strings [14:19:45] only one change [14:19:52] then we'll be done with Mitaka [14:19:57] on to Newton! [14:20:12] I think StringFreeze was last week. Is this a string exception? [14:20:18] and it is good that (next item on agenda) https://review.openstack.org/#/q/starredby:amrith+status:open is the empty list. [14:20:27] string freeze was a long time ago [14:20:32] a bug fix required a new sting [14:20:34] translations [14:20:35] string [14:20:40] and therefore translations were required [14:20:47] and Andreas requested RC2 [14:20:47] soft string freeze was a long time ago [14:20:51] hard freeze was last week [14:20:58] gotcha [14:21:36] I propose that we don't attempt to backport the test that we disabled in stable/mitaka (the reenable change went into master) [14:21:52] yeah i dont think that necessary [14:21:54] if anyone wants to know more, we can discuss on #openstack-trove later as it is likely a long conversation. [14:22:24] #info mitaka is now stable/mitaka branch [14:22:33] #info master is now netwon [14:22:52] please triage your bugs accordingly [14:22:56] cp16net they already changed the name? [14:23:01] i thought it was newton :) [14:23:08] one last thing on the RC2 for translations [14:23:13] (sp) [14:23:25] * cp16net has fat fingers apparently [14:23:48] Stable branch rules now in effect for stable/mitaka branches on trove, trove-dashboard, and python-troveclient [14:23:50] give the man a break, he's been sleeping 2+ hours a night and looked wide awake last week ... [14:23:52] :) [14:23:53] netwon is a cooler na e [14:23:57] Akihiro sent out a message on the horizon ML asking if the trove team is ok with the RC2 sched. Can the PTL reply to that? [14:24:10] amrith: i'm surprised i played it off so well :_p [14:24:30] oh i saw that i will do that [14:24:52] #action cp16net reply to trove-dashboard ML question for RC2 [14:25:04] Other announcements? [14:25:38] alright moving on [14:25:41] #topic Health check on outstanding blueprints and features for Mitaka [14:25:42] *** openstack changes topic to 'Health check on outstanding blueprints and features for Mitaka (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:25:47] #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/starredby:amrith+status:open [14:26:00] no patches :) [14:26:16] either amrith got lazy starring patches or we completed them :) [14:26:26] no, the empty set here is a good thing [14:26:27] :) [14:26:33] heh great [14:26:45] so we managed to clear out the backlog we had for mitaka [14:27:16] btw great work everyone all around for making mitaka a success [14:27:24] we've completed a ton of work! [14:27:43] its all thanks to you. [14:28:15] #topic Do we really need these two fixes in stable/liberty [14:28:15] *** openstack changes topic to 'Do we really need these two fixes in stable/liberty (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:28:22] Do we want these changes backported to stable/liberty? [14:28:22] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262289/ [14:28:22] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262287/ [14:28:22] In the interst of time, if anyone feels strongly about this, please update the reviews. If I get no answers in 1 day I'll abandon them ... [14:28:23] #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262289/ [14:28:23] I believe that these have been discussed at fair length and at this point, I'm not sure there are new points of view that are likely to emerge, but I promised to have the team look at them one more time. [14:28:26] At this point, the changes are on track for abandonment. [14:28:36] copy paster... :-P [14:28:53] #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262287/ [14:28:54] * amrith mumbles "they call that being prepared" [14:29:08] do we really want to spend effort to get those tests running in liberty? [14:29:09] amrith, cp16net: as I wrote on the list, I think that the patch should be merged [14:29:24] * pmackinn has to drop [14:29:27] my point is: the code for the tests currently in liberty is not working at all [14:29:36] *** Parts: gagehugo (46c3444f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [14:29:40] #action [all] please review changes [3], [4], and link [5] in agenda and update the reviews [14:29:51] I'd like to discuss here. [14:29:58] tosky, please go ahead. [14:30:36] so what is the best solution: two backports, which are not impacting the stable jobs, but allows to at least work with the tests, or have a set of totally non working code? Shouldn't it be removed then? [14:31:23] the usefulness of the patches would have been stronger when they were proposed, and some time has passed [14:31:51] From a stable point of view, I think merging those would be easier and perhaps safer rather than removing code (or leaving some not-working code in the branch) [14:31:57] that's why I think it would be "nice" to close the story by merging them [14:32:08] that's all what I had to say [14:32:10] *** sambetts is now known as sambetts|afk [14:32:20] from a release stand point i think its test code that is changing [14:32:45] so my question would be how many people run this test code on a release [14:33:06] when our tests are not running it yet reliably [14:33:18] I don't think there's an easy/quick way to answer that question right now [14:33:32] *** mestery_ is now known as mestery [14:33:35] those tests are a work in progress and cutting them out doesnt make sense [14:33:52] I don't know how many other people; selfishly, I did and it is something that would be useful for me [14:33:57] cp16net, but it is stable/liberty we're talking about. not master. [14:34:03] AFAIU, it's not going to harm the liberty release to merge those patches... but I could be wrong here as I'm not 100% familiar with the code base [14:34:12] amrith: yeah thats what i undestand [14:34:24] flaper87: it wont [14:34:45] these merges won't destablilize stable/liberty any more [14:34:51] but the question is how necessary is it to backport those changes [14:34:55] but, as was pointed out in earlier discussions, the issue is this. [14:35:02] this is the start of the slippery slope [14:35:07] and if we merge these TESTS [14:35:15] they we'll want some more TESTS [14:35:23] all of which won't destablize stable/liberty [14:35:32] and the stable team, I think, is asking the right policy question [14:35:42] of ... these tests don't pass now [14:35:47] so what do you intend to do? [14:35:52] get them to pass in stable/liberty? [14:35:52] the point is that after mitaka final is out, liberty will become a CVE only branch and no tests should be backported unless they fix security (or critical) issues [14:35:55] and if so, how? [14:36:06] and when we release code it should be to fix a bug in the core code not really for tests [14:36:10] I'd use the stable policy to prevent further backports at that point [14:36:16] amrith: who is "they" that will want more tests? [14:36:36] we, the same people who are making the argument to merge these tests. [14:36:41] I'm not going to request other backports at this point; I would have done it if the reviews have been merged two months ago [14:36:54] that last statment was ment around stable releases [14:37:34] so flaper87 you (representing stable) can WF+1 these. I'm not asking you to, I'm asking whether you feel comfortable making the argument for their merging? [14:37:50] do you have what you would need [14:37:50] #agree [14:38:12] tony breeds sends his apologies for not being able to attend this meeting [14:38:16] I think it is a tz issue, he'll read the transcript later. [14:38:24] I do, tbh. I didn't feel like it before this convo because I wanted to hear the teams view [14:38:50] flaper87: great i hope this was enlightening [14:38:51] I'm happy to +1 those backports if there are no *strong* arguments against doing so [14:38:53] good, flaper87 I'll look to you then as the stable/maint person to help us get to a resolution. [14:39:03] amrith: ++ [14:39:11] i have not strong argement for or against personally [14:39:17] I'd also be happy to be Trove's stable liaison if that helps [14:39:21] To the best of my knowledge, there are *NO* arguments against the backport, other than the procedural issue of the fact that these are tests. [14:39:25] (in the future, I mean) :D [14:39:39] Well, you are Stable's Trove liaison [14:39:41] :) [14:39:50] done :) [14:39:53] Trove has a stable liaison ... [14:39:56] thanks all [14:40:08] thanks tosky [14:40:11] w00h000 [14:40:29] alright we knocked that out [14:40:35] can I say "#agreed flaper87 to WF+1 the patches in question [3] and [4]" [14:40:49] you can :D [14:40:50] if yes, cp16net would you do that for posterity [14:41:18] #agreed flaper87 to WF+1 the patches in question [3] and [4] [14:41:31] thanks folks, thx tosky [14:41:38] #topic Summit planning [14:41:40] *** openstack changes topic to 'Summit planning (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:41:50] #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/trove-newton-proposed-sessions [14:41:56] ^^ tonyb ^^ [14:42:47] we have a long list of topics for the *netwon* summit [14:42:48] so, are there other projects and topics we want to propose for the summit [14:43:06] we're going to have to accomodate as many as we can [14:43:10] in the sessions we have [14:43:33] #info Conference room allocations announced (Trove: 3fb, 6wr, cm:half) [14:43:38] can I get a show of hands on who's likely to be at summit [14:43:57] o/ [14:44:20] o/ [14:44:20] i [14:44:33] #startvote Will you be at the summit? Yes, No, Maybe [14:44:34] Begin voting on: Will you be at the summit? Valid vote options are Yes, No, Maybe. [14:44:35] Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. [14:44:38] There we go [14:44:39] o/ [14:44:41] #vote Yes [14:44:46] #vote Yes [14:44:47] #vote Yes [14:44:57] #vote No [14:45:02] #vote Yes [14:45:04] #vote Yes [14:45:17] #vote Yes [14:45:24] #vote Yes [14:45:36] imandhan, johnma, pmackinn ? [14:45:44] #vote maybe [14:45:47] peterstac? [14:46:07] tellesnobrega? [14:46:09] I seem to recall raising my hand last week ... [14:46:15] #vote Yes [14:46:19] amrith: telles will be there [14:46:25] not sure where he's right now [14:46:28] #vote yes [14:46:30] Ok, thanks ... [14:46:33] #endvote [14:46:34] there [14:46:35] :P [14:46:39] #endvote [14:46:40] Voted on "Will you be at the summit?" Results are [14:46:41] Maybe (1): imandhan [14:46:42] Yes (9): vkmc, vgnbkr_, tellesnobrega, amrith, peterstac, mvandijk_, cp16net, flaper87, dougshelley66 [14:46:43] No (1): tosky [14:46:48] thx [14:46:51] :/ [14:46:57] great that worked well [14:47:09] I'll update the agenda for summit sessions on the etherpad. [14:47:14] thanks folks [14:47:14] there are 4 more coming from Tesora [14:47:28] thx dougshelley66 [14:47:42] great love to see everyone [14:47:46] #movingon [14:47:52] #topic Using 'reno' for release notes [14:47:53] *** openstack changes topic to 'Using 'reno' for release notes (Meeting topic: trove)' [14:48:10] this is an important topic for furture features and bugs [14:48:18] Ok, making release notes at the end of a release is a pain if we have to create them at that time. [14:48:29] yes it is [14:48:29] so when you commit code/bugs/features, please add a release note too. [14:48:32] it is easy [14:48:37] +1 for using reno [14:48:37] reno new [14:48:38] #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/reno/ [14:48:47] super easy, useful and fast [14:48:51] you get a file that you put simple stuff into [14:48:54] as part of your commit [14:48:59] #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/reno/usage.html#creating-new-release-notes [14:49:05] when we cut a release, voila, we have content for release notes [14:49:13] I guess reviewers should also keep an eye on this and request for these release notes to be added [14:49:20] So, here's why I raised this here. [14:49:28] s/I guess// [14:49:41] Do we believe that "I think you need a release note is a good review comment." [14:50:04] sorry, do you agree that "I think you need a release note" is a good review comment? [14:50:15] yeah i completely agree with that [14:50:18] because I intend to start doing that and I'd encourage all of you to as well. [14:50:18] Sure it's a good comment, but is it grounds for -1? [14:50:22] I do [14:50:28] i know going back through the list of commits is a HUGE PITA [14:50:32] I think it's fair and it grounds for -1 [14:50:43] peterstac, I'd like to start with giving the comment and seeing whether a -1 is required later. [14:50:50] It's not really an opinion. It's something that is missing in the patch [14:51:01] There are other ways to incent people to do them, like delegating the writing of release notes to those who don't :) [14:51:19] so that's something for all to keep in mind. [14:51:37] if you'd like to see what the release notes look like, how you create them, etc., cp16net has posted links above. [14:51:39] yes that is something for everyone to keep in mind moving forward [14:51:41] thanks, that's all I had. [14:52:08] or feel free to ask is you forget have questions or anything like [14:52:36] ok moving on [14:52:39] #topic [cp16net] trove dashboard update [14:52:59] so i was looking this patch over and found it a bit useful [14:53:03] #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292451/ [14:53:29] #link https://goo.gl/hlQgX3 [14:53:42] that short link should work for you [14:53:52] its a generated link of the latest patch [14:54:16] apparently bit.ly links dont work with gerrit for what ever reason [14:54:59] i think this encompassed alot more than we had before [14:55:06] I found this patch interesting not because of the dashboard it created but because it got me to try out gerrit-dash-creator. In my comments on patch set 1 I provided a simple how-to of using this tool. [14:55:06] Each of us may want to use some variant of this dashboard, the nice thing is that you don't need to commit your code to make it available to all. The link cp16net shared is usable even if this change doesn't merge. [14:55:28] true [14:55:56] What's useful about having it in the gerrit-dash-creator repo is that it works as a reference [14:55:56] the one thing i think might be missing is the starred patches you personally have [14:55:59] With that said, let this change merge. We can all create our own dashboards as well, with or without commiting them. Note that the repo has a personal dashboard section as well. [14:56:15] yes, I liked starred patches. [14:56:17] I mentioned in the channel that I'd like to have gerrit-dash-creator provide some links to the generated urls [14:56:19] they have many benefits. [14:56:19] true [14:56:36] there was a site that had them... [14:57:02] so flaper87 I modified gerrit-dash-creator to invoke tinyurl and make me tinyurls ;) [14:57:13] but for that it needs my tinyurl API keys ... [14:57:21] #link https://pypi.python.org/pypi/TinyUrl/ [14:57:25] #link http://gerrit-dash-creator.readthedocs.org/en/latest/dashboards/index.html [14:57:53] timecheck ... 3m [14:58:07] oh man time flies [14:58:16] amrith: right but those change everytime you invoke it. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it'd be useful for the project to have a dashboard that is used as the reference. It could either be this one or another better than this one [14:58:50] we could link some of the useful dashboards in the wiki or something [14:59:00] that might be a good place to share what we have in the mean time [14:59:29] flaper87: if you want to figure out how/where to do that feel free and share it next time [14:59:33] or in the channel [15:00:02] i think thats about all the time we have [15:00:17] cp16net: yup! [15:00:19] sorry for not having time for other open discussion [15:00:27] so much fun we had before. [15:00:33] thanks everyone. [15:00:36] #endmeeting [15:00:37] thx cp16net [15:00:40] thanks [15:00:44] thanks [15:00:54] ? [15:01:05] #endmeeting [15:01:07] #endmeeting [15:01:16] * cp16net confused [15:01:20] * amrith mutters ... [15:01:22] end the meeting.... [15:01:25] the bot died [15:01:29] DOH [15:01:30] yup [15:01:31] it's not in the channel [15:01:59] guess that means this wasnt logged then either... [15:02:09] yeah, eavesdrop not updating [15:02:15] cp16net, some of us use znc :) [15:02:23] I'll send a transcript [15:02:26] 18:51:26 thanks, that's all I had. [15:02:43] pmackinn, that seems very "final" [15:02:50] speaking of which pmackinn got some time to chat now? [15:02:50] well i guess i'll eventually kill the meeting... [15:03:04] shirley [15:03:11] yes