<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>Following is the subteam report for Ironic. As usual, this is pulled directly from the Ironic whiteboard[0] and formatted.<br><br>Bugs (dtantsur)<br>============<br>As of Mon, 29 Jun 16:00 UTC<br>- Open: 150 (-1). 5 new, 52 in progress (+4), 0 critical, 11 high (+1) and 9 incomplete (-1)<br>- Nova bugs with Ironic tag: 23. 0 new, 0 critical, 0 high<br><br>Bug dashboard (<a href="http://ironic-bugs.divius.net/">http://ironic-bugs.divius.net/</a>) seriously revamped:<br>- shows stats for nova bugs with "ironic" tag<br>- shows confirmed bugs, as they ideally also require triaging<br>- new glamour design<br><br>ilo, drac and ucs were added to the official bug tags list<br><br>Neutron/Ironic work (jroll)<br>===================<br>- still looking for reviews, mostly have agreement within subteam<br>- <a href="https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188528/">https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188528/</a> -- I haven't personally reviewed this yet but Sukhdev seems to think it's good to go<br>- <a href="https://review.openstack.org/#/c/187829/">https://review.openstack.org/#/c/187829/</a> -- will be pushing an update today or tomorrow<br><br>Nova Liaisons (jlvillal & mrda)<br>=======================<br>- 25-Jun-2015: jlvillal will be on leave for the month of July<br>- Note above that <a href="http://ironic-bugs.divius.net/">http://ironic-bugs.divius.net/</a> now shows Nova bugs with "ironic" tag as well. Suggestions are welcome on how to improve it.<br>- Nova multi-compute-host spec: <a href="https://review.openstack.org/#/c/194453/">https://review.openstack.org/#/c/194453/</a><br><br>Testing (adam_g/jlvillal)<br>==================<br>- 25-Jun-2015: Initial hand off meeting occurred from adam_g to jlvillal explaining functional testing work.<br>- 25-Jun-2015: jlvillal has been spending time working on local infrastructure issues. Working on getting an Ubuntu Cloud image to run devstack, in hopes of having an easily reproducible test environment. Ran into an issue where Horizon came up but then unable to schedule a bare metal instance successfully. Have not resolved the issue yet.<br>- 25-Jun-2015: jlvillal will be away from work for the month of July. Will resume work on functional testing in August.<br>- Functional testing Etherpad: <a href="https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicFunctionalTestingSubTeam">https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicFunctionalTestingSubTeam</a><br><br>Inspector (dtantsur)<br>===============<br>First devstack job is ready, but blocked on devstack bug <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1469160">https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1469160</a><br><br>Bifrost (TheJulia)<br>=============<br>- Bifrost's test path has been switched over to the newer dynamic inventory roles, which allows greater end-use flexibility.<br>- Working toward breaking larger peices up into more re-usable chunks.<br><br>Drivers<br>======<br><br>iRMC (naohirot) <br>---------------------<br><a href="https://review.openstack.org//#/q/owner:+naohirot%2540jp.fujitsu.com+status:+open,n,z">https://review.openstack.org//#/q/owner:+naohirot%2540jp.fujitsu.com+status:+open,n,z</a><br><br>Status: Reactive (solicit for core team's review and approval)<br>- iRMC Virtual Media Deploy Driver<br>  bp/irmc-virtualmedia-deploy-driver<br>  bp/non-glance-image-refs<br>  bp/automate-uefi-bios-iso-creation<br>  bp/local-boot-support-with-partition-images<br>  bp/whole-disk-image-support<br>  bp/ipa-as-default-ramdisk<br><br>Status: Active (spec review is on going)<br>- Enhance Power Interface for Soft Reboot and NMI<br>  bp/enhance-power-interface-for-soft-reboot-and-nmi<br><br>Status: Active (code review is on going)<br>- iRMC out of band inspection<br>- bp/ironic-node-properties-discovery<br><br>........<br><br>Until next week,<br>--ruby<br><br>[0] <a href="https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard">https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard</a><br></div>