<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hello All,<br><br></div>I wanted to very briefly share my thoughts and a suggestion regarding the Neutron design summits (maybe only for the next one, but still..)<br><br></div><div>I would first like to say that i was amazed by the number of people that attended the summit, it was really great to see it and it was very nice meeting most of you and linking the person with the IRC nick.<br><br></div><div>Anyone that knows me, or talked with me in the past knows that i wanted to get involved with Open Source for quite some time and i really feel fortunate to be able to contribute and join OpenStack, and hope to continue with this efforts going forward.<br><br></div><div>I have to share that i was expecting the design summits to be completely different then what went on, and although some issues were interesting i feel they were not use full to go forward but rather were just a stage for people to express opinions/ideas without a distinct decision.<br><br></div><div>Since i am new and never been in one of these i don’t want to judge or declare if that’s good or bad :), i do think that its hard to actually achieve something with so many people but i also understand and appreciate the great interest of so many people with Neutron.<br><br></div><div>A small suggestion i think might improve is if the session moderator will write (or any other volunteer) a follow up email with Action Items that needs to be addressed and people actually taking and volunteering to take some of those action items. <br></div><div>This can and should be live in the meeting where anyone requesting or making a suggestion would take it on him/her self to push it forward and report status.<br></div><div>(I think every point in the agenda must be converted into an action item)<br></div><div><br></div><div>We can also do this before the actual summit on the agenda points and hopefully gets a discussion going before the actual session.<br><br></div><div>I also think we should try to re-write the agenda points into a more lower level points before the summit rather then try to tackle the high level stuff (for example trying to discuss the pro's and con's in the mailing lists/IRC before the summit and have a more concrete discussion in the session it self)<br><br><br></div><div>I do hope that’s the right place to express this, and again that’s only my impression, i could be completely wrong here as i don’t consider my self experienced enough with the Open Source way of doing things.<br></div><div>Would love to help in the future with some of the points i raised here.<br><br></div><div>Thanks <br></div><div>Gal.<br></div><div><br></div></div>