<tt><font size=2>Gary Kotton <gkotton@vmware.com> wrote on 07/29/2014
12:43:08 PM:<br>
> Hi,</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>> When reviewing </font></tt><a href=https://review.openstack.org/#/c/107954/><tt><font size=2>https://review.openstack.org/#/c/107954/</font></tt></a><tt><font size=2>
it occurred <br>
> to me that maybe we should consider having some kind of generic <br>
> object wrapper that could do notifications for objects. Any thoughts
on this?</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>I am not sure what that would look like, but I agree
that we have a problem with too many things not offering notifications.
If there were some generic way to solve that problem, it would indeed
be great.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Thanks,</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Mike</font></tt>