<p><font size="2" face="sans-serif">Hi David,</font><br>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif">I think you're right. The 'killed' status should be set in method upload() if there is an upload failure, see <a href="https://github.com/openstack/glance/blob/master/glance/common/utils.py#L244">https://github.com/openstack/glance/blob/master/glance/common/utils.py#L244</a></font><br>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif">Thanks & Best regards,<br>
Fei Long Wang (Íõ·ÉÁú)<br>
Tech Lead of Nitrogen (SME team)<br>
Cloud Solutions and OpenStack Development<br>
Tel: 8610-82450513 | T/L: 905-0513 <br>
Email: flwang@cn.ibm.com<br>
China Systems & Technology Laboratory in Beijing<br>
<img width="16" height="16" src="cid:1__=C7BBF6FFDFA84CB98f9e8a93df938@cn.ibm.com" border="0" alt="Inactive hide details for "Fei Long Wang" ---01/26/2014 06:52:14 PM--------------------- Original ------------------ From: "Da"><font size="2" color="#424282" face="sans-serif">"Fei Long Wang" ---01/26/2014 06:52:14 PM--------------------- Original ------------------ From: "David Koo"<kpublicmail@gmail.com>;</font><br>
<font size="1" face="Arial">------------------ Original ------------------</font><br>
<font size="1" face="serif"><b>From: </b></font><font size="1" face="serif"> "David Koo"<kpublicmail@gmail.com>;</font><br>
<font size="1" face="serif"><b>Date: </b></font><font size="1" face="serif"> Jan 26, 2014</font><br>
<font size="1" face="serif"><b>To: </b></font><font size="1" face="serif"> "OpenStack Development Mailing List"<openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>; </font><br>
<font size="1" face="serif"><b>Subject: </b></font><font size="1" face="serif"> [openstack-dev] [Glance] Is the 'killed' state ever set in v2?</font><br>
<font size="3" face="serif">Hi All,<br>
While trying to work on a bug I was trying to simulate some image<br>
download failures and found that apparently the 'killed' state is never<br>
set using v2 APIs.<br>
If I understand correctly, a file upload goes to<br>
api.v2.image_data.ImageDataController.upload and goes all the way to<br>
store.ImageProxy.set_data which proceeds to write to the backend store.<br>
If the backend store raises an exception it is simply propagated all the<br>
way up. The notifier re-encodes the exceptions (which is the bug I was<br>
looking at) but doesn't do anything about the image status.<br>
Nowhere does the image status seem to get set to 'killed'.<br>
Before I log a bug I just wanted to confirm with everybody whether or<br>
not I've missed out on something.<br>
OpenStack-dev mailing list<br>
</font><font size="3" face="serif"><a href="http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev">http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev</a></font><br>