<div dir="ltr"><div><span>Hello,<br></span></div><div><span><br>We (agordeev and vkozhukalov) had a discussion about functional testing flow described here </span><span><a href="https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicDevstackTesting" target="_blank">https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicDevstackTesting</a></span><span>.</span><span> From our perspective it has some non-critical, but still notable flaws. </span><span>If
you ask me, it looks a bit strange to create testing networks and VMs
during devstack run using virsh and shell. Maybe more suitable to use
libvirt python API for this purpose and create test environment right
before launching testing scenario (aka setUp stage). We know that
according to tempest development requirements it is not allowed to hit
hypervisors directly ( </span><span><a href="http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/overview.html" target="_blank">http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/overview.html</a></span><span> ), but using libvirt is not hitting hypervisor directly. We described alternative testing flow at the same document </span><span><a href="https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicDevstackTesting" target="_blank">https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicDevstackTesting</a></span><span>.</span></div>
are some reasons why it is more correct to create VMs inside tempest
itself, not inside devstack. <br></span><ul><li><span>Firstly, we possibly want to have several
functional testing scenarios and every scenario needs to have clean
testing environment, so we can just add setUp and tearDown stages for
creating and destroying testing envs. </span></li><li><span>Secondly, virsh has some
performance issues if you deal with >30 VMs (it is not our case for
now but who knows). Besides, as we found out ssh power driver also uses
virsh for VM power management and does it ineffectively looking over all
VMs (virsh dumpxml for every VM and grep MAC). It is possible to
significantly improve testing power management performance if we
substitute ssh power driver with driver which uses libvirt python API
and lookups VM by UUID, not by MAC. </span></li><li><span>Third point here is that adding
nodes into <span class="">ironic</span> is also a part of <span class="">ironic</span> functionality and it is
supposed to be tested as well as others. Besides, if something goes
wrong during adding nodes into <span class="">ironic</span>, we'll get testing scenario
failed, not devstack failed. It is what we usually expect from testing
procedure. </span></li><li><span>And finally, using tempest with python libvirt API we can
create widely customizable testing envs, it is not possible if we use
devstack for that purpose.</span></li></ul></div><div><br></div><div><span>Ok.
It is just our point of view. If the decision about how to implement
creating testing VMs already made, we'll make it according to above
mentioned description. As far as original flow was suggested by infra
and QA gangs, it means that they a priori agree with that flow and we'll
merge it much faster than any other one.<br><br></span></div><div><span>Let us know what you think. Your feedback is highly appreciated :)<br></span></div><div><span><br></span></div><span>Thanks!</span></div>