The metering project team holds a <span class="">meeting</span> in #openstack-<span class="">meeting</span>, odd week on<br>
Wednedays at 2100 UTC<br>
<<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>.<br>
Everyone is welcome.<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"><span class="">Meetings</span>/MeteringAgenda</a><br>
* Review last week's actions<br> - yjiang5_away to send patches for transformer<br> - eglynn kick off Synaps discussion on upstream ML<br> - nijaba to update the bp to specify complex request in a future version<br>
- dhellmann to prepare example of dimension query syntax that will work with WSME<br> - move asalkeld's client into openstack incubation/core<br> - jd move asalkeld's client into openstack incubation/core<br>
- yjiang5 talk with doc team to link to ceilometer docs<br><br> * Discuss v2 API proposal<br><br> * Mechanics of getting synaps on-board <br><br> * Open discussion<br><br>Doug Hellmann will be chairing the meeting as I will be on a train with flaky connectivity.<br>
If you are not able to attend or have additional topic(s) you would like<br>
to add, please update the agenda on the wiki.<br>
Nick Barcet <<a href=""></a>><br>
aka: nijaba, nicolas<br><br>