[openstack-dev] [python3] Enabling py37 unit tests

Chris Dent cdent+os at anticdent.org
Wed Nov 7 15:09:12 UTC 2018

On Tue, 6 Nov 2018, Corey Bryant wrote:

> I'd like to get an official +1 here on the ML from parties such as the TC
> and infra in particular but anyone else's input would be welcomed too.
> Obviously individual projects would have the right to reject proposed
> changes that enable py37 unit tests. Hopefully they wouldn't, of course,
> but they could individually vote that way.

Speaking as someone on the TC but not "the TC" as well as someone
active in a few projects: +1. As shown elsewhere in the thread the
impact on node consumption and queue lengths shouldn't be a huge
amount and the benefits are high.

>From an openstack/placement standpoint, please go for it if nobody
else beats you to it.

To me the benefits are simply that we find bugs sooner. It's bizarre
to me that we even need to think about this. The sooner we find
them, the less they impact people who want to use our code. Will it
cause breakage and extra work us now? Possibly, but it's like making
an early payment on the mortgage: We are saving cost later.

Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent

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